Customizing the theme for process integration
This topic describes the JSP tags used to integrate the business process into the theme.
These tags are part of the portal tag library. See Creating your own theme for more information about tags used by portal themes.
- <portal-dynamicui:pendingTasks/>
- Notifies the user whenever a new, unclaimed task has been assigned. This tag provides two scripting variables.
- numberOfTasks: The number of unclaimed tasks.
- myTasksPageURL: The url of the page that contains the MyTasks portlet.
<portal-dynamicui:pendingTasks> <a href="<%= myTasksPageURL %>"> You have: <%= numberOfTasks %> tasks. </a> </portal-dynamicui:pendingTasks>When unclaimed tasks are queried and presented on a per request basis, the user always sees the latest number of tasks. However, this can lead to performance degradation. Therefore we can enable caching by setting the processintegration.pendingtasks.lifetime property in the file. Using the processintegration.myTasksPageUniqueName property, we can set the unique name of the page for which the url is provided as the myTasksPageURL.
As the tag makes use of the human task manager JNDI name property (processintegration.htmJndiName ), make sure that is set accordingly. See Configuring the business process container for the portal for more information.
In some cases, a potential owner can claim a task before another potential owner's pending tasks notification is refreshed. In this case, the task would not appear in the second user's task list when he or she clicks the notification.
- <portal-dynamicui:closePage/>
- Provides a URL that closes an open task page. This URL does not complete the associated task. This tag can be used to help the user reduce the number of open task pages that appear under the My Tasks page. The url to close the page is available as a scripting variable.
This tag can only be used inside the <portal-navigation:navigationLoop> tag.
<portal-dynamicui:closePage> <a class="wpsToolBarLink" href="<%closePageURL.write(out);%>"> X </a> </portal-dynamicui:closePage>When there are more than one open task pages, one of the siblings of the page that was closed is selected as the current page in the next request. If there are no open task pages remaining, the task list page is selected as the current page for the next request.
Parent topic:
Configuring the portal for business processes
Related tasks
Configuring virtual portals for business process integration
Related information
Change task list settings
Change the task page container