Migrate business process applications



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If you have business process applications developed for previous versions of the portal, make changes to the business process and portlets.

This topic does not apply to System i5.


Migrate business processes

Changes that apply to business processes to migrate them to WebSphere Portal V6.0 are described in the WebSphere Business Process Management information center. In particular, read the following topics for migrating business processes:


Migrate custom pages

If you have created custom pages to use in place of the default pages to contain the task list and task definition pages, verify the following configuration before running the WebSphere Portal migration:


Migrate portlets

Task portlets and business process portlets that use the generic client APIs provided by WebSphere Business Integration Server Foundation V5.1 need to be changed. There is a new version of the Generic EJB API that uses DataObjects as its message format. This is described in detail in the WebSphere Integration Developer information center.

The JNDI name of the old Generic EJBs that takes WSIFMessage objects are:

    JNDI Name: com/ibm/bpe/api/BusinessProcessHome     Interface: com.ibm.bpe.api.BusinessProcess 
    JNDI Name: com/ibm/task/api/TaskManagerHome     Interface: com.ibm.task.api.TaskManager 

The V6.0 JNDI names of these Generic EJBs are:

    JNDI Name: com/ibm/bpe/api/BusinessFlowManagerHome     Interface: com.ibm.bpe.api.BusinessFlowManager 
    JNDI Name: com/ibm/task/api/HumanTaskManagerHome     Interface: com.ibm.task.api.HumanTaskManager 

When you have completed updating and testing the migrated portlets, copy them to a location that is available for the migration tasks.


Parent Topic

Develop business process applications


Parent Topic

Migrate the customized resources


Related concepts

Set up the development environment for process applications
Initiate a process instance


Related information

Make portlet applications available to migration tasks for deployment
Enable the business process for portal
Create the task process portlet