Specify client cookie support


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Web clipping portlets preserve cookies set on the server side.

When a Web clipping portlet fetches content from an origin server, it stores the cookies that the server sets...

Set-Cookie HTTP header

...and returns them on subsequent requests for more content. These cookies are not propagated to the client for security reasons. However, it may be necessary to propagate a client-side cookie through the portal to the origin server, such as a security cookie representing an identification.

To display the cookies in memory, type the following command as a URL or Web address in the browser::


Viewing the cookies as they exists in the browser can be a useful WebSphere Portal troubleshooting step, to compare the actual value with the expected value.

What follows is an example of the output, displaying cookies named CoreID6, sauidp, ithc, ibmSurvey, and JSESSIONID:

CoreID6=801014896019118429712342; sauidp=U904685671184315790735; ithc=fd092e3dbd3bd3b6609437b0a3fc3e; ibmSurvey=1200251101927; JSESSIONID=0000CUmvYuokBdIkASEr2e1cpob:-1

Web clipping portlets can copy specific cookies from the client-portal conversation through to the portal-origin server conversation.

Not all cookies are propagated; only cookies that are specified using a special configuration parameter are copied over. Specify what client-side cookies we need to preserve as a comma-separated list value for the ClientCookies configuration parameter.

For example, if you have cookies called "uid" and "password" that you want to preserve through the Web clipping portlet, go to...

Administration | Portlet Management | Portlets | portlet | Configure portlet icon

...specify the following configuration parameter and value under...

ClientCookies = uid,password 


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Parent topic:

Use Web clipping to import content