Create a document version

Create a new version of a document.

If versioning is active, we can save the document under a unique version number, as well as view and retrieve documents by version. This provides a linear history of document changes. In addition to saving the document as a new version, we can promote a previous document version to the current version. Refer to the Creating a document library topic for more information about enabling versioning for a document library.

To create a document version...

  1. Click the document name.

  2. Click Versions.

  3. Click New Version.

  4. Type the version name and type any optional comments in the provided field. The optional comment is limited to 100 characters and is used to identify specific versions in the version history.

    Version name limitations: we can create a version name using non-Latin characters (such as Japanese and Cyrillic). However, some characters are invalid, such as asterisks (*), question marks (?), less than and greater than signs (<, >), percent signs (%), quotes ("), at symbols (@), forward and backward slashes (/ \), pipes (|), square brackets ([ or ]), curly brackets ({ }), or colons (:).

  5. Click Save to create a new version or Cancel to cancel the action. If we cancel the action, a new version is not created.

To create a new version for a document that is locked or has a pending draft, own the lock, or have created the draft. Other users who are not owners will not be able to create a new version of a document that is locked or has a pending draft. If a currently published document is identical to an existing version, then the New Vbutton is disabled. If you edit or make any changes to the document, then the New Vbutton becomes enabled.

Access previous versions of a document by clicking the document name, then clicking Versions and clicking on the linked version number of the previous document.

Promoting a previous document version to the current version

You might need to promote a previous version of a document in order to make it the current version. If you promote a previous document version, all changes made since the latest version was created are lost.

  1. Click the document name.

  2. Click Versions.

  3. Click the linked version number of the document you want to promote.

  4. A window opens asking to continue because changes made since the latest version was created will be lost. Click OK to make the selected document the current version, or Cancel to keep the current version.

    If more than one user tries to promote the same version or different archived versions at the same time, the following error appears: An error occurred while trying to restore the version.


Parent Topic

Working with drafts, versions and workflow


Related concepts

Document versions