Document Manager portlet settings
Configure settings that affect a specific instance of Document Manager.
Click Configure from the drop-down menu to modify these settings...
Show indicator for new documents Indicates documents that are new or have been recently modified by the word New! next to them. With the indicator turned on for this Document Manager instance, we can set the number of days for the indicator to display in the edit mode. Include in Search Center Makes the document library searchable by the Search Center. Only the working document library for the portlet instance is queried by the Search Center. With the appropriate permissions, portal users can access Document Manager documents that are returned by the Search Center. Enable document conversions With document conversion enabled, we can use the rich text editor to work with documents that were originally created in other file formats, such as Microsoft Word or WordPerfect. Enable portal editors Enables use of the rich text editor that is included in the default installation. Enable browser plug-in Enables the browser plug-in that allows us to edit documents using local applications installed on their computer. When the plug-in is disabled, you will only be able to create and edit documents using the built-in rich text editor. Enable folder tree With the folder tree enabled, you have the option to display the document library folder hierarchy vertically, starting at the document library root folder. With the folder tree disabled, we can display the list of document library contents only as a list, without the tree view on the left. Click...
Show display the folder tree along with the contents list.
Hide display only the list.
If you enable the folder tree, the option to turn on the folder tree is also displayed in the Personalize window.
Enable Active Content Filtering Removes potentially harmful active content, such as...
- JavaScript
- Java
- ActiveX
...from HTML content prior to displaying it in a browser.
Maximum number of items returned in a list When a set of documents or other items is presented as a list, such as inside a folder or view, or when search results are displayed, a maximum number of items is included in the list. By default, this maximum number is set to 500 for folders and views and 200 for search results, but we can select a different number from the drop-down list to reset the maximum to a higher or lower number.
Increasing the maximum number of items in a list can adversely impact server performance, and result in longer wait times while using Document Manager.
When initially viewing a document Modifies how a document first displays in the preview window. By default, only the first page of a document displays in the preview window. With the first page displayed, we can click a message link to show the entire document. If the document being previewed is a presentation, such as...
- Microsoft PowerPoint
- Lotus Freelance
...the first slide is displayed.
When the document is text...
- Microsoft Word
- rich text editor
...the document must contain at least one manual page break for the first page to be displayed.
By selecting...
Display entire document...we can change the initial view of a document to show the entire document. To prevent portal users from changing this setting, remove the check next to...
Allow users to change document view settingBy default, users can change this setting for their own instance of Document Manager.
Specify the SMTP mail server Identifies the SMTP mail server used to send a email link to documents and folders. Configure the default root path for the portlet Identifies a subfolder within the current document library as the root folder for this portlet instance. When you login to Document Manager, this folder becomes the first folder in the contents list or folder tree. If you select a root folder that has been...
- deleted
- renamed
- inaccessible
...the default root path reverts to the current document library root. In this situation, you still have the ability to navigate to any accessible folder in the document library.
Parent Topic
Prepare to work with documents
Related concepts
Document Manager portlet
Related tasks
Configure the Document Manager portlet
Enable and disable the browser plug-in