Create a folder
Create a folder.
We can place documents and folders within folders. We can create our own folder within the working document library to keep the documents separate from other documents. We can set up a folder directory structure at the beginning of a project so we can find documents. If the Document Library administrator has locked the folder structure in a library, creating folders in the library is not allowed. Settings applied to a folder, such as access restriction, also apply to the folder contents.
When viewing a list of documents in a folder, a maximum of 500 documents is shown. If there are more than 500 documents in the folder, a message is displayed at the bottom of the document list. We can use search, sort or paging to locate a specific document in the folder. We can increase the number of items that are displayed in a folder, but this may adversely impact server performance. See Configuring the Document Manager portlet for more details.
To add a new folder, complete the following steps:
- Click New and then select Folder from the drop-down menu.
- Type a name in the Folder name field.
- Click Save to save the new folder, or click Cancel to exit without creating a folder. If you click Save, Document Manager takes we inside the folder you just created.
Folder limitations: Folder names and file names are limited to 180 characters. Document titles, view names, document library names, and descriptions are limited to 252 characters. There are limitations on the overall length of the file path for a document, which includes all folder (directory) names containing the document, plus the file name of the document. Any operations that interact with the file system, such as roundtrip editing, must have a file path of less than 180 characters.
Folder names cannot contain the following characters: asterisks (*), question marks (?), less than and greater than signs (<, >), percent signs (%), apostrophes ('), quotes ("), at symbols (@), forward and backward slashes (/ \), pipes (|), square brackets ([ or ]), curly brackets ({ }), or colons (:). Users receive an error message when naming with these characters. Folder names can contain spaces. The folder name cannot be the same as an existing folder.
Parent Topic
Working with folders and views
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