Add horizontal cluster members



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If you have installed WebSphere Portal on a secondary node, we can add the node as a horizontal cluster member.

  1. Edit...


  2. Ensure that the following properties are uncommented and specify appropriate values:

    ClusterName Name of the cluster to which you are adding the node.
    ServerName Cluster member name you want to use when adding this node to the cluster.

    The cluster member name you specify for this property must be unique within the cell and cannot have the same value as the ServerName property on the primary node or other secondary nodes.

    PrimaryNode Verify that the value for this node is false.

  3. Add the node to the cluster.

    cd portal_server_root/config
    ./ cluster-setup -DWasPassword=password


    cd portal_server_root/config -profileName profile_root cluster-setup -DWasPassword=password

    ...where profile_root is the name of the WAS profile where portal is installed; for example, wp_profile.

    Because WAS typically creates unique ports for all servers, the default port number for the portal appserver is changed when the node is added to the cluster. To determine the port number after creating the new cluster member, complete the following steps in the deployment manager administrative console.

  4. Click...

    Servers | Application Servers | secondary_node_appserver | Communications settings, | Ports

    ...and verify the port number listed for the WC_defaulthost port.

  5. Click...

    Servers | Cluster Topology view the updated cluster topology.

  6. Regenerate the Web server plug-in.

    1. Regenerate the Web server plug-in using the deployment manager administrative console.

    2. If you are using a remote Web server, copy the updated plug-in configuration file (plugin-cfg.xml) to the Web server's plug-in configuration directory.

  7. Stop and start the Web server.

  8. Restart all nodes in the cluster.

Web Content Management note: If the users need to access content created by Web Content Management through a portal server that is configured to use an HTTP port other than the default internal HTTP port (for example, with a Web server), ensure that required substitution variables are set in the configuration for WebSphere Application Server.

  1. Log in to the administrative console for WebSphere Application Server. If you are using the Web server in a clustered environment, open the administrative console for the deployment manager machine.

  2. Select Environment > WebSphere Variables.

  3. Narrow the scope of the listed variables

    1. Click Browse Nodes in the Scope field.

    2. Select the node containing the appserver.

    3. Click Browse Servers.

    4. Select the appserver for portal (for example, WebSphere_Portal) and click OK.

    5. Click Apply to update the list of variables.

  4. Update the value of the WCM_HOST variable with the fully qualified of the Web server.

  5. Update the value of the WCM_PORT variable with the port number used to access the Web server.

  6. Restart the portal server.

If you are not using an external Web server in the clustered environment, update the virtual host entries for the new port created when adding a cluster member. We can do this by updating the default_host virtual host in the administrative console and adding a new alias entry for the port number (use an "*" wildcard character for the host name).


Parent Topic

Adding cluster members