Use command line scripts - WebSphere Portal Migration



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Use the command line scripts

The WebSphere Portal migration package provides the script file to invoke the migration tasks. In the directory in which the current WebSphere Portal version is installed...

cd portal_server_root/migration task_name -Dproperty=value

...where task_name indicates the migration task that you want to run.


export-portal-content task

The export-portal-content task exports the WebSphere Portal content from the previous version.

  1. Stop the current WebSphere Portal server.

  2. Start the server for the previous version of WebSphere Portal and ensure it is accessible to the network.



    PrevPortalAdminId Portal admin id from the previous version of WebSphere Portal
    PrevPortalAdminPwd Password for the above Portal admin id

To export virtual portal content...

  1. Stop the current WebSphere Portal server.

  2. Ensure the server for the previous version of WebSphere Portal is running and accessible to the network.

  3. Execute... export-portal-content -DPrevPortalAdminId=portaladminid -DPrevPortalAdminPwd=password -DVirtualPortal=URL context

    ...where URL context is the context extension for the virtual portal URL.


import-portal-content task

The import-portal-content task imports the content from the previous version of WebSphere Portal into the current version of WebSphere Portal.

  1. Stop the previous WebSphere Portal server.

  2. Start the server for the current version of WebSphere Portal and ensure it is accessible to the network.

  3. Specify the WasUserid and WasPassword in the file.

  4. Execute...


    PortalAdminId Portal admin id from the current version of WebSphere Portal
    PortalAdminPwd Password from the above Portal admin id

  5. If running the import-portal-content task multiple times, Restart the servers before rerunning the task.

To import virtual portal content

  1. Stop the previous WebSphere Portal server.

  2. Ensure the server for the current version of WebSphere Portal is running and accessible to the network.

  3. Before importing each Virtual Portal, backup the database.

  4. Invoke the migration task...


    PortalAdminId Portal admin id from the current version of WebSphere Portal
    PortalAdminPwd Password from the above Portal admin id
    URL context Context extension for the virtual portal URL.

  5. If running the import-portal-content task multiple times, Restart the servers before rerunning the task.


Optional: Migrating the FileServer portlet

If you cloned the FileServer portlet in previous versions and supplied HTML files in the...

wp_old_root/installedApps/FileServer.war/FileServerPortlet/html, copy those files to the...

portal_server_root/installedApps/FileServer.war/FileServerPortlet/html, after running the import task and before restarting the server, to make the files accessible in the current version.

For i5/OS, the directories are wp_user_old_root and portal_server_root, respectively.


Restart the servers

After completing the import-portal-content task, restart the following server on the current version only:

  1. Open a command prompt and change to the following directory:

  2. Enter the following command:

      ./ WebSphere_Portal -user admin_userid -password admin_password

  3. Enter the following command:

      ./ WebSphere_Portal


Next steps


Related information


Parent topic:

Migrating WebSphere Portal Configurations