Uninstall on i5/OS
This section describes how to uninstall WebSphere Portal for i5/OS on a WebSphere Application Server (WAS) profile. WebSphere Portal provides uninstallation programs or tasks. You must have at least one fully installed WAS profile and WebSphere Portal fully installed on i5/OS in order to run these tasks. These tasks must be run locally on an i5/OS system. First there are preparations to follow, and then security and database considerations. Then decide whether or not to keep the WAS profile(s). In some cases (such as when you are planning to reinstall or free up disk space), you might want to uninstall WebSphere Portal but leave the profile in place. These instructions contain steps for either decision. You may uninstall the WAS profile and the WebSphere Portal installed on it (Step 2). Additionally you may also choose to fully uninstall all the WebSphere Portal server code (Step 3). If you choose to run both tasks, first run (Step 2), the uninstall of the WAS profile and the WebSphere Portal installed on it.
- Prepare to uninstall
- Uninstall the WAS profile and the WebSphere Portal installed on it
- Uninstall WebSphere Portal
- Uninstall WMQ Series Components
- Preparing to uninstall:
- We can make a backup of WebSphere Portal configuration using the XML configuration interface (xmlaccess). In addition, you have the option to delete or keep the WebSphere Portal database. The following data is not saved by an XML configuration export and will be deleted if you remove the database:
- User attributes that are stored in the database and not in LDAP
- Credential data that is stored in the default vault implementation
- Data that is used by the Document Manager
- Decide whether to disable security (if enabled). If you are running WebSphere Portal with security enabled, we can uninstall without affecting the security setting, or we can choose to disable security before uninstalling. To disable security before continuing uninstallation, perform the following steps:
- Edit each *.properties file in ...
- Ensure that the following properties have the appropriate values for the setup. The following properties must be updated to reflect the original settings before disabling security. If this is not done the administrator will not have administrative rights. For example, the WasUserid:
- The value must be lower case
- The default value after installation and before enabling security is:
- The recommended value when enabling security with LDAP is:
- IBM Tivoli Directory Server : uid=wpsbind,cn=users,dc=example,dc=com
- Custom User Registry (CUR): wpsbind
- The value change back to before disabling security is:
- Tivoli Directory Server : uid=wpsbind,cn=users,dc=example,dc=com
- Custom User Registry (CUR): wpsbind
Some values, shown here in italics, might need to be modified to the specific environment. See Configuration properties reference for a complete properties reference, including default values.
Section of wpconfig.properties file: WAS configuration properties
Property Value WasUserid The user ID for WAS security authentication. LDAP
For LDAP configuration this value should not contain spaces.
Make sure to type the value in lower case, regardless of the case used in the distinguished name (DN).
Recommended values when using LDAP security:
- Custom User Registry (CUR): wpsbind
- Tivoli Directory Server : uid=wpsbind,cn=users,dc=example,dc=com
Default Value: none
WasPassword The password for WAS security authentication. Recommended: Set this value according to your own environment.
Default Value: none
Section of wpconfig.properties file: Portal configuration
Property Value PortalAdminId The fully qualified name of the WebSphere Portal administrator. Before disabling security, this value should be set to the original value that is used when installing WebSphere Portal.
Recommended: uid=portaladminid,o=default organization
Default: none
PortalAdminPwd The password for the WebSphere Portal administrator, as defined in the PortalAdminId property. Before disabling security, this value should be set to the original value that is used when installing WebSphere Portal.
Recommended: Set this value according to your own environment.
Default: none
PortalAdminGroupId The group ID for the group to which the WebSphere Portal administrator belongs. Before disabling security, this value should be set to the original value that is used when installing WebSphere Portal.
Recommended: cn=wpsadmins,o=default organization
Default: none
Section of wpconfig_dbdomain.properties file: Database properties
Depending on which database domain has to be configured, dbdomain may need to be replaced by:
- release
- customization
- community
- jcr (DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition )
- wmm
- feedback
- likeminds
Property Value dbdomain.DbUser The user ID for the database administrator. Recommended: Set this value according to your own environment. Default value per database domain:
- db2admin
- Personalization and Feedback: wcmdbadm
- Likeminds: lmadmin
dbdomain.DbPassword The password for the database administrator. Recommended Value: Set this value according to your own environment.
Default Value: ReplaceWithYourDbAdminPwd
- Perform this task only if you are using LDAP with a LookAside database. Set the LookAside property (in the LDAP properties section) to false.
- Save and close any properties file you edited.
- Open a command prompt and change to the UserData directory path:
- Enter the following command:
WPSconfig.sh -profileName profile_root disable-security -DPortalAdminPwd=password -DDbPassword=password...where profile_root is the name of the WAS profile where WebSphere Portal is installed; for example, wp_profile.
If you choose to leave security enabled, we can always disable it later using the WAS administrative console.
- Decide whether to keep database information. If you are using a DB2 for iSeries database rather than Cloudscape and you want to preserve the WebSphere Portal information in that DB2 database, we can leave the database as it is before uninstalling. However, if you want to uninstall WebSphere Portal completely, we can remove the DB2 database and database tables before uninstalling. If you are using a Cloudscape database, the task of uninstalling WebSphere Portal includes removing the Cloudscape database with which it was installed.
If you choose to keep the DB2 database information, it cannot be used with subsequent installations of WebSphere Portal, although we can still access the information through the database software. We can always use the database software at any time to delete the intact DB2 for iSeries database and database tables containing WebSphere Portal information.
Follow this set of steps to remove the WebSphere Portal information from the DB2 for iSeries database:
- Stop WebSphere Portal. Refer to this file for the directory and command details.
- Open a command prompt and change to the UserData directory path portal_server_root/config.
- Remove all the domain database tables at once by running the following command...
WPSconfig.sh drop-database-tables-all...or remove each domain database table individually by running the following commands:
- WPSconfig.sh -profileName profile_root drop-database-tables-domain-release -DPortalAdminPwd=password
- WPSconfig.sh -profileName profile_root drop-database-tables-domain-community -DPortalAdminPwd=password
- WPSconfig.sh -profileName profile_root drop-database-tables-domain-customization -DPortalAdminPwd=password
- WPSconfig.sh -profileName profile_root drop-database-tables-domain-jcr -DPortalAdminPwd=password
- WPSconfig.sh -profileName profile_root drop-database-tables-domain-wmm -DPortalAdminPwd=password
- WPSconfig.sh -profileName profile_root drop-database-tables-domain-feedback -DPortalAdminPwd=password
- WPSconfig.sh -profileName profile_root drop-database-tables-domain-likeminds -DPortalAdminPwd=password
...where profile_root is the name of the WAS profile where WebSphere Portal is installed; for example, wp_profile. If any of these tasks do not complete promptly, check the QSYSOPR queue on youriSeries system for messages. The system might require a response from you in order to complete the task. To check the QSYSOPR queue, enter the following command on an OS/400 command line:
DSPMSG QSYSOPRPlease type I to indicate you wish to ignore the message so the task will continue. You may also type C to indicate you wish to cancel the task.
- Remove the databases by completing one of the following steps:
- If you are running DB2 on a local machine, run the following commands:
- WPSconfig.sh -profileName profile_root drop-database-wps -DPortalAdminPwd=password
- WPSconfig.sh -profileName profile_root drop-wmm-db -DPortalAdminPwd=password
...where profile_root is the name of the WAS profile where WebSphere Portal is installed; for example, wp_profile.
- You may wish to remove the DB2 for iSeries database to refresh it or to uninstall the WebSphere Portal server from the system. If you are running a DB2 for iSeries database on a remote machine, remove it by completing the following steps on that machine. If you are running a different database program, use the utilities that are provided with the database software to remove that database manually.
The Java ANT tasks such as drop-database-wps will not work when trying to remove a remote DB2 for iSeries database. Instead, run these commands:
- Stop WebSphere Portal.
- Use a 5250 PC session to log on to the iSeries system where the remote DB2 database exists.
- List all libraries created for the WebSphere Portal remote DB2 for iSeries database by typing the following command from the command line:
wrklib prefix*where prefix is the prefix of the database name.
- A list of database libraries appears. To delete each library, type 4 in the Opt field beside the library name. Press Enter.
Example library names include:
- REL60 for the Release library
- CUST60 for the Customization library
- COMM60 for the Community library
- Wmm(LIBNAM) for the Member Manager library
- JCR60 for the JCR library
- LKM60 for the LikeMinds library
- An i5/OS operator message with a prompt will appear. Please type I to indicate you wish to ignore the message. The database is now removed..
- Remove references to the Workplace Collaboration Services shared library. Complete the following steps:
- Open a command prompt and change to the UserData directory path portal_server_root/config
- Ensure that the WAS administrative server is running.
- Enter the following command:
WPSconfig.sh -profileName profile_root action-remove-lwp-shared-library -DPortalAdminPwd=passwordwhere profile_root is the name of the WAS profile where WebSphere Portal is installed.
- Stop the WAS server if you are running with security enabled. Refer to the specific instructions here for stopping the WAS administrative server. Make sure you follow the command that specifies the appropriate administrator user ID and password, which are needed with security enabled.
- Uninstall the WAS profile and the WebSphere Portal installed on it
If you decided to fully uninstall the WebSphere Portal server code as well (Step 3), this profile removal task must run first. First open an OS/400 command prompt and start the Qshell Interpreter by typing STRQSH. Then remove the profile and portal code by typing either of the following commands from the command line, depending upon the edition of WAS installed.
- For WebSphere Portal installed on WAS Base or Express type:
portal_server_root/uninstall/rmvwpprofile.sh -profileName profile_root -username wasusername -password wasuserpasswordwhere profile_root is the name of the WAS profile where WebSphere Portal is installed.
- For WebSphere Portal installed on WAS Network Deployment type:
portal_server_root/uninstall/rmvwpprofile.sh -profileName profile_root -wasfamily nd -username wasusername -password wasuserpassword...where portal_server_root indicates ProdData's directory path where WebSphere Portal is installed, and profile_root is wp_profile or wp_profilex; x indicating 1 or the specific profile number to be uninstalled.
If this removal task completes with success (without any errors), the message
INSTCONFSUCCESSwill be displayed, and the command will have removed an entire directory, for example, /QIBM /UserData/WebSphere/AppServer/V6/Base/profiles/wp_profile.All files are removed, excepting the temp files, which includes the log files.
If this removal task completes with some errors, the message...
INSTCONFPARTIALSUCCESS...will be displayed along with a log file name. Review the log file, correct the error situation, and rerun the removal task. If you have more than one profile created, run this task for each profile you wish to uninstall.
If the profile (profile_root) you just tried to delete still exists after running the removal task, you should manually delete the folder wp_profile for the WAS edition in the UserData portal_server_root directory path. Also, depending on the state of WAS, you might need to uninstall WAS manually. Refer to the WAS documentation for details.
If you chose to only uninstall the WAS profile and the WebSphere Portal installed on it, and keep the WebSphere Portal server code intact, you may skip to the optional step of removing WMQ Series Components. Otherwise proceed to uninstalling the WebSphere Portal server code.
- Uninstall WebSphere Portal
If this portal server code uninstall task is run without first removing the WAS profile in the previous step, the WebSphere Portal server is still viable. Don't run this task unless you have first removed the WAS profile. We can uninstall the WebSphere Portal server code interactively, in silent mode or with a response file. Navigate to the ProdData directory path portal_server_root /uninstall/ and for an interactive uninstall type:
uninstall.shor run a silent uninstall with no further input required by typing this command instead:uninstall.sh -silentor run an uninstall with a response file by typing this command, and the uninstallation program will retrieve information from the response file rather than requiring input during the uninstallation:uninstall.sh -options path_to_file/response_filename...where path_to_file is the full path to the response file containing the values that you want to use during the uninstallation and response_file_name is the name of the file. The following parameter can be specified in the response file or directly on the command line when issuing the uninstallation command.
During an interactive uninstall follow the system prompts until the uninstall task is complete, indicating a selection by entering a number corresponding to the choice and then pressing Enter:
Parameter default Description -silent SILENT UNINSTALLATION CHOICE
Specify this parameter if you want to uninstall WebSphere Portal silently. When uninstalling silently, the uninstallation program will not display any graphical interface panels or solicit input from the user. Note that if a required parameter is not specified in this response file, an error message will be logged.
To use this response file but do not want to uninstall silently, comment the parameter out.
- At the first prompt choose a language. For example, to choose English type 0 (zero). Choose OK. The welcome panel is displayed.
- As the task proceeds, a prompt will ask you to type 1 (one) for Next.
- A final prompt will ask you to type 3 (three) for Finish.
- Uninstalling WMQ Series Components:
After uninstalling WebSphere Portal, MQ Series components may still be installed on the system. Do not uninstall these components if they are being used by other applications on the system.
If uninstall MQ Series components, refer to this WAS manual uninstall information.