Change the WebSphere Portal and WSRP Producer URI


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Although IBM WebSphere Portal and WSRP are installed with a default URI, we can change this URI after installation.


Before you begin

Copy all your own custom portlet application.WAR files that you deployed after the initial portal installation into...


This step is required because after changing the portal URI all portlets must be redeployed using a configuration task listed below. The configuration task redeploys all portlet WAR files that are located in...



WebSphere Portal URI

The portlet WAR files that are bundled with WebSphere Portal are already located in that directory, therefore you do not need to copy them.

When specifying the context root (WpsContextRoot), do not specify a value that is the same as a directory existing in a portlet WAR directory. For example, if you set the context root for WebSphere Portal to be /images (/wps is the default value) and there is also a portlet with the directory structure...


...this could cause a conflict if the portlet encodes URI references to resources in its own /images directory. In this situation, the portlet would be unable to display images because WebSphere Portal would look for the image resources according to its own context root path instead of the directory path that is specified by the portlet WAR file.


WebSphere Portal Producer URI

Change the WSRP Producer context root does not require that you redeploy all portlets. You only need to run the modify-servlet-path configuration task.



To change the URI, complete the following steps.

If you are modifying the URI in a clustered environment, perform the steps described here only on the primary node. It is not necessary to complete the steps on secondary nodes in the cluster.

  1. Make a backup copy of...

  2. Edit and enter appropriate values...


    IBM WAS properties

    Property Value
    PortalAdminPwd The password for the WebSphere Portal administrator, as defined in the PortalAdminId property.

    Recommended: Set this value according to your own environment.

    Default: None

    WpsContextRoot The context root or base URI for the portal. All URLs beginning with this path will be reserved for the portal. The value of this property is part of the URL that is used to access WebSphere Portal from a browser. For example,...


    Recommended: Set this value according to your own environment.

    Sample value: home

    Default: wps

    WsrpContextRoot The context root or base URI for WSRP Producer.

    Recommended: Set this value according to your own environment.

    Sample value: wsrp

    Default: wsrp

    WpsDefaultHome The default portal page. This is the page for users who are not logged in. The value of this property is part of the URL that is used to access WebSphere Portal from a browser. For example,...


    Recommended: portal

    Sample value: ibm

    Default: portal

    WpsPersonalizedHome The portal page for users who have already logged in to the portal. This page cannot be accessed by anonymous users. The value of this property is part of the URL that is used to access WebSphere Portal from a browser. For example,


    Recommended: myportal

    Sample value: myibm

    Default: myportal

    WasPassword The password for WebSphere Application Server security authentication.

    If a value is specified for WasPassword, a value must also be specified for WasUserid. If WasPassword is left blank, WasUserid must also be left blank.

    Value type: Alphanumeric text string

    Recommended: Set this value according to your own environment.

    Default: ReplaceWithYourWASUserPwd

  3. Save the file.

  4. Open a command prompt and change to the following directory.

  5. Perform the following steps, depending on whether you are using an internal or external Web server with WebSphere Portal.

  6. Clustered environment only: Resynchronize the nodes and restart the cluster.

    1. Open the deployment manager administrative console.

    2. Click...

      System Administration | Nodes | primary node | Full Resynchronize

    3. Click...

      Servers | Clusters | cluster | Stop

    4. After the cluster has stopped, restart it by selecting the cluster and clicking Start.


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