Migrate user profiles



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After migrating the primary data, update the portal users to use the migrated data.

Migrate Member Manager before migrating user profiles.

  1. If you are migrating users on a primary system, go to step 3. If you are migrating users on a secondary system, copy the summary configuration files created when migrating the primary system to a folder on the secondary system. See summary.path in the data migration topic.

  2. Update...


    Confirm that the following parameters are set as specified and modify them if necessary:

    summary.path The path on the local file system where the old IWWCM summary configuration files were copied in step 1.

  3. If the LDAP server contains more than 200 users, perform the following steps. Otherwise, proceed to step 4.

    1. Stop the IBM WebSphere Portal server.

    2. Make a backup...


      ...named wmm.xml.bak.

      If using i5/OS, wmm.xml is located under portal_server_root.

    3. Edit...


      ...and change the following settings:

      • Change maximumSearchResults, maximumSearchResultsForSortingAndPaging and maximumTotalSearchResultsForSortingAndPaging to a number higher than the total number of users. For example, if you have 300 users, change these settings to at least 301.

      • Change searchTimeOutmaximum to 2,000,000.

      If using i5/OS, wmm.xml is located under portal_server_root.

    4. Restart the WebSphere Portal server.

  4. Increase the total transaction lifetime timeout of the new WebSphere Portal server to 3600 seconds through the WebSphere Application Server administrative console. Go to...

    Application Servers | server | Container Services | Transaction Service

    Make a note of the current total transaction lifetime timeout so that it can be restored in step 7.

  5. Restart the portal application server.

  6. Run the wcmmigrate users task from the directory...


    ...where portal_server_root is the install directory path of the current version of WebSphere Portal.

    • Windows:

      wcmmigrate.bat -user username -password password users

    • UNIX:

      ./wcmmigrate.sh -user username -password password users

    • i5/OS:

      wcmmigrate.sh -user username -password password users

    The user specified in the command must be a WebSphere Portal administrator.

  7. Verify the user migration by reviewing the migration console. The message "command successful" is displayed after a successful migration. If the message "command failed" is displayed upon completion review the previous steps. Troubleshooting Web Content Management migration for further information.

  8. Restore the total transaction lifetime timeout setting to the original setting that was changed in step 4.

  9. Restart the portal application server.

  10. If you performed step 3, do the following:

    1. Stop the WebSphere Portal server.

    2. Restore the wmm.xml.bak file you created in step 3.b to portal_server_root/wmm/wmm.xml.

      If using i5/OS, wmm.xml is located under portal_server_root.

    3. Restart the WebSphere Portal server.


Parent Topic

Migrate a primary Web content system


Parent Topic

Migrate a secondary Web content system