Web Content Management migration overview
This topic contains information about the processes involved in migrating IWWCM (WCM) data and portlets.
You perform WCM migration as part of the overall IBM WebSphere Portal migration process.
Migration paths
We can only migrate WCM data and portlets from either:
- IBM Workplace WCM version 2.5 and 2.6.
- WebSphere Portal v5.1.
To migrate from earlier versions of WCM, first migrate to either IBM Workplace WCM version 2.5 or 2.6 or WebSphere Portal version 5.1. Refer to the Information Center for these releases for further information.
We cannot migrate data from a WCM system that uses IBM Content Manager as a data repository. You will need to change the data repository on the old system to either Cloudscape, DB2, Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server 2000 using the repository configuration task.
The WCM migration process
- Migrate every WebSphere Portal server used in the old Web content system.
- Migrate the Web content data from a single Web content system containing the most recent data to a single server on the new system.
This would normally be an authoring system. If you have decentralized authoring systems, aggregate all you current data onto a single system using syndication and then migrate the data from this system.
- Syndicate the migrated data to all the other servers in the new Web content system.
- Configure any authoring portlets to use the migrated data.
- Migrate rendering portlets and user data on all other servers in the Web content system.
- Enable a cluster if required.
Parent topic:
Migrate Web Content Management