Work with policies
Use the Resource Policies portlet to work with policy types for portal resources. For some procedures, you will use Resource Permissions and Personalization. Log in to the work site as an administrator. To display the Policy Types portlet...
Administration menu | Access | Resource Policies
- View the list of main policy types that are available for portal resources.
- For a main policy type, click its menu icon to select one of the following actions:
- Edit Policy
- Import Policy Definition
- Export Policy Definition
- Assign User Access to Policy
When you export a policy definition, only the association of the policy and the policy rule is exported with the policy. That is, only the Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) of the policy rule is exported with the policy definition. To export a policy rule, select the rule in the Personalization Navigator. From the Extra Actions menu, click Export.
- To refine this policy, click the its name to view and edit existing child policies or create new child policies.
- Verify that the policy has a rule associated with it and that the selected rule is the rule that you want to use to create the child policy. Choose one of the following actions from the policy rule drop-down menu:
- Create New Rule
- Select Rule
- Edit Rule
- Deselect Rule
The actions that are available for selection from the policy rule menu depend on whether a rule is specified for the policy and the access rights to work with rules. Our access to work with policy rules is controlled by the access rights for Business Rules (Personalization) that are specified for the role.
- If a rule is selected for the parent policy and it is the rule you want to use, click New Policy to create a child policy.
- Specify the title, description, and condition of the new child policy. Then specify its settings.
- For this new child policy, click its menu icon to select one of the following actions:
- Edit Policy
- Select Condition
- Assign User Access to Policy
- Delete Policy
- Assign user access to the new child policy. This action takes us to the Resource Permissions , where Policies is listed as a resource type.
- Any level of policy (main policy, parent policy, child policy) requires access to the portal resources upon which policies depend. Using Resource Permissions, verify that you have assigned the appropriate level of access for individual users and user groups to work with the following related resources:
- The pages that contain policy portlets:
- Resource Policies (ibm.portal.Resource Policies)
- Resource Policy Editor (ibm.portal.PolicyEditorCPP)
From the main menu, click...
Administration | Resource Permissions | PagesSearch for and find Resource Policies and Resource Policy Editor. For each page, click Assign Access.
- The policy portlets:
- Resource Policies (wps.p.PolicyExplorer)
- Policy Editor (wps.p.PolicyEditor)
From the main menu, click...
Administration | Resource Permissions | PortletsSearch for and find Resource Policies and Policy Editor. For each portlet, click Assign Access.
- One or more policy types, depending on how many you have created or customized for the portal deployment: for example, Mail.
From the main menu, click...
Administration | Resource Permissions | PoliciesSearch for All available policies. Notice that several predefined Theme policies are available. For each policy, click Assign Access.
- One or more policy rules, depending on how many main policies and associated business rules you have created or customized for the portal deployment: for example, the Mail Geography Rule Americas.
From the main menu, click...
Personalization | Business Rules | Personalization Navigator | policy rule | Extra Actions | Edit Access
For more information, see the Help topics that are available in your task context: Resource Policies, Resource Permissions, or Personalization.
Parent topic:
Manage portal resources with policies
Related concepts
Access rights
The XML configuration interface
Related reference:
XML configuration interface: reference
Related information
Working with the XML configuration interface
Troubleshooting the XML configuration interface