Configure the WebSphere Portal server to recognize Lotus Domino and the Collaborative Services



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You run the Lotus Domino configuration task on the IBM WebSphere Portal server. Running the task allows the portal to recognize the presence of the server either...

IBM Lotus Domino

...or ...

non-Lotus Domino

...running the LDAP service, so that Lotus Collaborative Services can use the server to support features in Lotus Domino -based portlets, primarily auto-detection of mail files.

WebSphere Portal (which includes Collaborative Services) must be installed before we can run this task.

Commands are case sensitive.

During the instructions for this task, you will edit the file. Create a backup copy of this file before performing the following instructions.

For detailed information on working with property files, see...

Configuration properties reference

Also during the instructions for this task, you will stop and start the WebSphere Portal server.



  1. On the portal server, at a command line, change to the directory


  2. Stop the portal server.

    The default name of the application server is the profile name.

  3. Make backup copies of...

  4. Edit the appropriate configuration properties file and enter the appropriate values for the environment. Note the following:


    Section of file: Collaborative Services Properties

    LDAP Property Value

    Set to true to enable an LDAP directory for Collaborative Services.

    Despite the name of the property, a non-Domino LDAP directory can be specified.

    Recommended Value: true

    Default Value: false

    LCC.DominoDirectory.Server Fully qualified distinguished name of the LDAP directory for Collaborative Services.

    Despite the name of the property, a non- Lotus Domino LDAP directory can be specified.

    Recommended Value:

    Default Value:


    The port number for the LDAP directory for Collaborative Services.

    Despite the name of the property, a non- Lotus Domino LDAP directory can be specified.

    Recommended Value: 389

    Windows and UNIX:

    Default Value: 80


    Default Value: 389

    LCC.DominoDirectory.SSL Determines whether the LDAP directory for Collaborative Services is enabled to communicate over SSL.

    Despite the name of the property, a non- Lotus Domino LDAP directory can be specified.

    Set to true to enable SSL.

    Recommended Value (SSL): true

    Recommended Value (non-SSL): false

    Default Value: false


    i5/OS Section of file: Database configuration Properties

    LDAP Property Value

    User ID for the database administrator.


    • For SQL Server and non-wmm databases only, unless you are the system administrator, the values for...




      ...must be the same.

    • For Oracle and SQL Server servers, this value must be set to FEEDBACK, which corresponds to the user FEEDBACK in the database. If the user you are using is an administrative user that has authority over the FEEDBACK schema, the administrative user should be entered for the dbdomain.DbUser property.

    Value type: Alphanumeric text string Default:

    • Release: db2admin
    • Community: db2admin
    • Customization: db2admin
    • JCR: db2admin
    • WMM: db2admin
    • Feedback: db2admin
    • LikeMinds: db2admin

    Recommended: wpsdbusr (for databases other than DB2 )


    Password for the database administrator.

    A value must be set for this property; it cannot be empty.

    Value type: Alphanumeric text string

    Default value for all domains: ReplaceWithYourDbAdminPwd

  5. Save the file.

  6. Change to the portal_server_root/config directory and enter:

    WPSconfig.[sh|bat] lcc-configure-dominodirectory -DDBPassword=password -DWmmDbPassword=password

  7. Check the output for any error messages.

  8. Start the portal server.

The task lcc-configure-dominodirectory is specific for configuring Collaborative Services to use Domino Directory only. To change, save other Collaborative Services values in, and then run the configuration task...

./ lcc-configure-all configure multiple Domino and Extended Products servers at once.

Advanced configurations for using Collaborative Services and Domino Directory are available.


Parent Topic

Checklist of tasks: LDAP server for Lotus Collaborative Services


Previous topic

Start the LDAP service automatically on a Lotus Domino server


Next topic:

Specify the Internet host name of the Lotus Domino server


Related concepts

WebSphere Portal logs