Specify the Internet host name of the Lotus Domino server



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In the Server document of the Lotus Domino Directory (NAMES.NSF) database on the Lotus Domino server, specify fully qualified Internet host name for the Lotus Domino server and Internet security options. These settings are part of the support for the server drop-down list that appears when users of the...

...portlets edit portlet defaults, and automatic detection of users' mail files for any of these portlets that use a Lotus Domino back-end server for messaging.

Perform the following steps:

  1. On the Lotus Domino server that you are configuring to run LDAP, start the Lotus Domino Administrator client.

  2. Open the Lotus Domino Directory (address book) (NAMES.NSF) database.

  3. Change to the Server > Servers view.

  4. Double-click the name of the server. The Server document opens.

  5. Click the Internet Protocols tab.

  6. On the HTTP tab, select the Host(s) Name field to specify the host name for this server. For example, a server called...


    ...might use a host name like...


  7. Click Save and Close.


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Checklist of tasks: LDAP server for Lotus Collaborative Services


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