Bind Collaborative Services to LDAP for support of automatic mail detection and server selection lists


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The bind user ID is used by Lotus Collaborative Services to retrieve user attributes required for authentication from the selected LDAP directory. Setting the bind user ID to use the LDAP server for Collaborative Services supports automatic detection of users' mail files for any of the collaborative portlets that use a Lotus Domino back-end server for messaging...

If the server is a Lotus Domino LDAP, setting the bind user also supports the server or database drop-down lists that appear in Lotus Domino portlets.

Before you set up the bind user, the WebSphere Portal server must be configured to recognize Collaborative Services.

If you choose not to configure Collaborative Services to bind to the Lotus Domino LDAP, we can, instead, enable access to...

  • HTTP-HostName
  • HTTP-Port

...Lotus Domino fields by anonymous users.

To set the bind user, edit the file.

Perform the following steps:

  1. Stop the WebSphere Portal server.

  2. Locate the file in the following directory:

    Windows and UNIX:




  3. Open the file in a text editor.

    Make a backup copy of the file before making changes.

  4. Remove the comment tag (#) from the beginning of the line that contains...


  5. At the end of the line, add a user ID that has appropriate access in the LDAP directory that supports Collaborative Services. Type the Lotus Domino LDAP canonical (fully qualified) name for the user.

    On a Lotus Domino LDAP server, this user ID must have at least reader access to the address book names.nsf file. For a non- Lotus Domino LDAP directory, ask the LDAP administrator to provide a user with appropriate access to search the attributes...

    • mailserver
    • mailfile
    • http-hostname
    • http-port

  6. Go to the line that contains...


  7. Remove the comment tag (#) from the beginning of this line.

  8. Copy the line that contains...


    ...and paste it into a new file.

  9. In the new file, at the end of the line, add the internet password for the user ID, that was entered for...


  10. Save this new file as...


  11. Open a command prompt to the following directory:

  12. In the same directory, run the following command:

    PropFilePasswordEncoder dominobind.txt CS_SERVER_DOMINO_DIRECTORY_1.encryptedpwd

  13. In the same directory, open the dominobind.txt file, and copy the encrypted password after...


  14. Go back to the file.

  15. Paste the encrypted password after...


  16. Save and close the file.

  17. Close the dominobind.txt file, and then delete dominobind.txt and dominobind.txt.bak from the was_profile_root/bin directory.

  18. Restart the portal server.


Parent Topic

Collaborative Services and user authentication


Related tasks

Auto-detecting user mail information from a secondary LDAP server