Set a Domino LDAP server to allow anonymous access


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Allowing anonymous access to attributes on the Domino LDAP server is one of two ways to enable Collaborative Services to retrieve user information needed to support collaborative portlet features. To allow anonymous access, you modify a Configuration Settings document stored in the Domino Directory database (names.nsf) on the Domino LDAP server.

Perform the following steps:

  1. Use the IBM Lotus Domino Administrator client software to open the Domino Directory database (file name names.nsf) for the Domino LDAP server.

  2. Navigate to...

    Server | Configurations | Configuration Settings

    If a global configuration document does not exist, click Add Configuration to create a new configuration document and display Configuration Settings.

  3. On the Basics tab, for the option...

    Use these settings as the default settings for all servers Yes. Selecting Yes causes the LDAP tab to appear.

  4. On the LDAP tab, click the button next to Select Attribute Types to open the LDAP Attribute Type Selection dialog box.

  5. From the Object Classes drop-down list, select *, and then click Display Attributes.

  6. From the Selectable Attribute Types box, select the following fields, and then click Add to add them the Queriable Attribute Types box.

    Option Description
    Item Comments
    dominoUNID Available only if the Lotus Domino server is release 6.5.4 or later, or, in earlier releases, if the organization has customized the design of names.nsf to add the dominoUNID field as described in the IBM WebSphere Portal release notes.
    HTTP-HostName Required for auto-detection of source mail files for Messaging.
    HTTP-Port Required for auto-detection of source mail files for Messaging.

  7. Click OK to close the LDAP Attribute Type Selection dialog box, and return to the Configuration Settings document.

  8. Ensure that the Anonymous users can query field displays the attributes you added to the Queriable Attribute Types box in the previous step.

  9. Keep all other default LDAP settings in Configuration Settings.

    For background information on Domino Configuration Settings documents, see...

    Creating a Configuration Settings document

  10. For the option...

    Allow LDAP users write access Yes. This setting ensures that portal users can use the self-care and self-registration features of WebSphere Portal.

  11. Ensure that Automatically Full Text Index Domino Directory is set to Yes.

  12. Click Save and Close to close Configuration Settings.

  13. If you are using an existing user as the portal administrator, follow the steps in...

    Updating the Access Control List of the Domino Directory

    If you are adding a new user to act as the portal administrator, follow the steps in...

    Adding portal administrators to the Domino Directory


Parent Topic

Collaborative Services and user authentication