Composite Application roles
Use the Roles portlet to view and manage the roles for the members of a composite application.
Applications membership roles that are defined in the application template propagate to instances of composite applications that are created from the template.
Application membership roles provide levels of user access to...
- The application and its pages
- The components of the application
Roles are then assigned to individuals and groups who are members or public users of the application.
If you have permission to edit applications, we can use the Roles portlet of the application to create and edit the roles that you will assign to application members. From the drop-down menu of an application page, click...
Manage Application RolesIf you have permission to manage the membership of an application, we can use the Members portlet to add users to the membership list, assign them roles, manage members, and restrict application access to members only or make the application available to all authenticated users. From the drop-down menu of an application page, click...
Assign Application display the Members portlet.
Application members appear to each other in the Members portlet with the roles assigned to them. If you have given all authenticated users access to the application as public users, then these nonmembers are also listed in the Members portlet.
- Application membership
Use the Members portlet to view individuals and groups working with the application according to their assigned roles. If you have permission to manage application membership, we can also use the Members portlet to add and remove members to the application and assign membership roles.
Parent Topic
Work with composite applications