Creating a custom dynamic table HTML page


Related Topics

Overview: Creating Forms

How to Use the Dynamic Table Builder

By default, the Dynamic Table builder can display at most 10 columns. We can increase the number of columns displayed by modifying the default table HTML page (factory/pages/table_page.htm) or we can create a new one.

This page provides a placeholder for the columns. The number of columns displayed depends on the items listed in the Column Elements field in the Dynamic Table builder.

  1. If you want to create a new page, make a copy of factory/pages/table_page.htm and rename it.

  2. Open the HTML page you want to modify in a text editor, such as Notepad.

  3. Each column must have a header. To create a header for a column, add a child element to <tr name="titleBar">. The child element's name must resemble the previous child element. Notice that the elements for the column headers are named as follows:

<td name="col10Vis"><span name="col10Header"></span></td>

The next column header would have the same name except for the increments in the name, as shown below:

<td name="col11Vis"><span name="col11Header"></span></td>

  1. To create a column, add a child element to <tr name="rowColor">. The child element's name must resemble the previous child element. Notice that the elements for the columns are named as follows:

<td name="col10Vis"><span name="col10Data"></span></td>

The next column element would have the same name except for the increments in the name, as shown below:

<td name="col11Vis"><span name="col11Data"></span></td>

  1. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 for each additional column.

  2. Save the table HTML page.

  3. If you created a custom table HTML page, modify the path in the HTML Page field in the Dynamic Table builder so that it points to the correct table HTML page.

  4. In the Maximum Column Count field, enter the new number of columns listed in the table HTML page.

An example of a modified table HTML page is shown below.

<table name="dataTable">

    <tr name="titleBar">

      <td name="col1Vis"><span name="col1Header"></span></td>

      <td name="indent">&nbsp;</td>

      <td name="col2Vis"><span name="col2Header"></span></td>

      <td name="col3Vis"><span name="col3Header"></span></td>

      <td name="col4Vis"><span name="col4Header"></span></td>

      <td name="col5Vis"><span name="col5Header"></span></td>

      <td name="col6Vis"><span name="col6Header"></span></td>

      <td name="col7Vis"><span name="col7Header"></span></td>

      <td name="col8Vis"><span name="col8Header"></span></td>

      <td name="col9Vis"><span name="col9Header"></span></td>

      <td name="col10Vis"><span name="col10Header"></span></td>

      <td name="col11Vis"><span name="col11Header"></span></td>

     <td name="col12Vis"><span name="col12Header"></span></td>


    <span name="dataRowRepeat">

      <span name="groupBySpan">

        <tr name="rowColor">

          <td colspan="13" name="col1GroupBy"><span name="col1Data"></span></td>



      <tr name="rowColor">

        <span name="hiddenRowIdentifier" />

        <td name="col1Vis"><span name="col1Data"></span></td>

        <td name="indent">&nbsp;</td>

        <td name="col2Vis"><span name="col2Data"></span></td>

        <td name="col3Vis"><span name="col3Data"></span></td>

        <td name="col4Vis"><span name="col4Data"></span></td>

        <td name="col5Vis"><span name="col5Data"></span></td>

        <td name="col6Vis"><span name="col6Data"></span></td>

        <td name="col7Vis"><span name="col7Data"></span></td>

        <td name="col8Vis"><span name="col8Data"></span></td>

        <td name="col9Vis"><span name="col9Data"></span></td>

        <td name="col10Vis"><span name="col10Data"></span></td>

        <td name="col11Vis"><span name="col11Data"></span></td>

       <td name="col12Vis"><span name="col12Data"></span></td>


