Overview: Creating forms
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We can create forms in a Factory applications in several ways:
- Using the Data Page and Data Field Modifier builders to automate the display and processing of forms.
- Using individual builder calls to implement the display of data, prompting for user input, and processing the user inputs.
In many cases, the framework provided by the Data Page and Data Field Modifier builders offers enough extensibility to implement sophisticated forms. If you have requirements that cannot be implemented with these builders, we can create your own forms using individual builder calls or even your own forms framework.
If you do decide to create your own forms, you will need to perform the following steps:
- Create an HTML page onto which you will place the builder calls that provide for the prompting and display of data.
- Create a method, service call, or SQL statement to provide the data to display or that will consume the data input into the form.
- Provide controls for the prompting of input or display of data.
- Trigger a form submission.
- Implement other forms-related functionality including form validation, translating and formatting form values, and controlling the display of the form.
We recommend that you implement forms with the Data Page and Data Field Modifier builders as they provide a much more robust framework for handling form display as well as validating inputs, processing inputs, and handling errors.