Define the System Integration Bus
To define the System Integration Bus, do the following:
From the WebSphere Administrative Console, click + next to Service integration.
From the expanded menu, click Buses. The list of currently defined buses will be displayed, as shown in Figure A-3.
Figure A-3 Defined System Integration Buses
Click Add to create a new bus. You will see a pane as shown in Figure A-4.
Figure A-4 New System Integration Bus
Enter a name for the bus.
Enter a description for the bus.
If Global Security is enabled and Security is required on the bus, scroll down and select Secure.
Note: Checking Secure enables security checking on bus resources if Global Security is enabled. If Global Security is not enabled then checking Secure has no effect until Global Security is enabled.
If SSL will be required for transport of messages between messaging servers on the bus, in the Inter-engine transport chain enter InboundSecureMessaging.
Set other properties for the bus as appropriate. Refer to the online documentation for additional info for these properties.
Click OK to return to the list of defined buses.
10. Save the configuration for WebSphere.