Use the administrative console



The administrative console is a Web-based tool that you use to manage the IBM WAS product as well as the Network Deployment product. The administrative console supports a full range of product administrative activities.



  1. Distributed platforms: Start the server for the administrative console. For the Network Deployment product, the administrative console belongs to the deployment manager (dmgr) process, which you start with the startmanager command.

  2. Access the administrative console.

  3. Change the session timeout for the administrative console. (Optional)

  4. Browse the administrative console.

  5. Specify console preferences.

  6. Access help.


See also

Starting and logging off the administrative console
Setting the session timeout for the administrative console
Administrative console areas
Specifying console preferences
Accessing help and product information from the administrative console
Administrative console: Resources for learning


Related Tasks

Run an application server from a non-root user and the node agent from root
Run the deployment manager with a non-root user ID
Run an Application Server and node agent from a non-root user