UDDI Registry user interface

This topic describes the UDDI user interface (also referred to as the UDDI User Console), which use to explore the IBM WebSphere UDDI Registry.

For information about how to display the UDDI user console, see Displaying the user interface.

If you will be using the UDDI console, configure the application server into which you have installed the UDDI Registry for UTF-8 encoding support: To do this, refer to "Configuring application servers for UTF-8 encoding" elsewhere in this Information Center.

  • The user console provides a graphical user interface to the majority of the UDDI V3 API. It is not intended to support the full API set. There is some focus on inquiry operations, as the main purpose of the UDDI user console is to allow users to issue inquiry requests and to familiarize themselves with general UDDI concepts. This section documents those areas for which support through the user console is not provided, together with other known restrictions to the user console.

    • General

      • Help is provided in the form of explanatory text on the screens.

      • Maximum rows cannot be specified on finds. The single maximum rows value for the registry can be set through the Maximum inquiry result set size general property on the WebSphere Administrative console.

    • Find business

      • The identifier feature is not supported.

    • Find technical model (tModel)

      • The identifier feature is not supported.

    • Add business

      • There is no support for adding Discovery URLs, Identifiers or Digital Signatures.

    • Add technical model (tModel)

      • There is no support for adding Identifiers or Digital Signatures.

    • Business Relationships

      • There is no support for Business Relationships

  • Note: The UDDI V3 specification states that when a tModel is deleted, it should not be physically deleted. This allows the tModel to be reinstated. One effect of this is that, if you delete a tModel using the UDDI user console, the tModel is still visible through the Show Owned Entities display. Deleted tModels are displayed with the word 'deleted' against their name.

The UDDI user console is split into three areas. At the top of the screen are three links: Home, Find and Publish. The relevant panels appear below this bar when the links are clicked.


Returns you to the IBM WebSphere UDDI Registry welcome page


Activates the Find tab on the frame below to the left


Similarly activates the Publish tab on the frame below to the left

Below the WebSphere UDDI Registry banner the screen is split into two parts. On the left are the Find and Publish tabs:

Find tab

The Find pane is in two parts. At the top, a Quick Find service is provided. There are three radio buttons to enable a choice of 'service', 'business' and 'technical model' finds. Below these radio buttons is a text entry field for entering the name to search for and, beneath this, a Find button to start the search. Comments are provided to show you the wildcard character. The results of clicking Find are shown in the detail frame to the right.

Beneath the Quick Find is a section for Advanced Find functions which enables you to choose which entity they want to perform an advanced search on. There are three links: Find services, Find businesses and Find technical models. Clicking one of these links displays the corresponding advanced search form in the frame to the right, where one can specify search criteria. To perform a Find, first enter search criteria and select the required Find Qualifiers. Then click Find Services (or Find Businesses or Find Technical Models) to initiate the Find operation. The Categorizations section contains a link (Show category tree) which displays the tree from which one can select categories (or taxonomies) defining the types of item to find according to various classification systems. This is shown in the left-hand frame. In the advanced search form there are two buttons to start the search (mid-way down and at the bottom).

The results of the search are displayed in the same detail frame.

Publish tab

The Publish link on the top banner activates the Publish tab in the navigation frame to the left. The Publish pane is split into three sections.

  1. Quick Publish Function

    The top part is a Quick Publish section to allow you to publish a business or technical model by name only. There are two radio buttons to enable a choice of 'business' or 'technical model'. Below these radio buttons is a text entry field for entering the name to assign to the selected entity and, beneath this, a Publish button to publish the entity. The results of clicking Publish are shown in the detail frame to the right.

  2. Advanced Publish Functions

    To publish an entity with more detail, such as with multiple names, descriptions and categories, use the Advanced Publish section below this. The comments below each link (Add a business and Add a technical model) describe individual functions. Clicking one of these links displays the corresponding advanced publish form in the detail frame where you may enter details about the entity they want to publish. Similarly the Categorizations section allows taxonomies to be shown in the left frame from which one can select categories.

    Following entry of the relevant details in the Advanced Publish section, click Publish Business to publish the business to the UDDI Registry.

  3. Registered Information

    Below the Advanced Publish section is a Registered Information section which has a link to Show Owned Entities in order to show the businesses, services and technical models registered to the individual user. Clicking the Show Owned Entities link displays the Show Owned Entities page in the detail frame at the right. The Show Owned Entities page is organized in two sections: Registered Businesses and Registered Technical Models. Each section shows the number of registered items.

    Edit and Delete Businesses

    You can Edit or Delete businesses owned by you, by clicking the appropriate links in the Actions column.

    After editing a business click Update Business to save the changes in the UDDI Registry.

    To delete a Business select the Show Owner Entities link and click the Delete link shown next to the business.

    Adding a Service to a Business

    Services are added to a business by clicking the Add Service link in the Actions column of the Registered Businesses section.

    Enter the details of the new service and click Add Service to publish the service to the UDDI Registry.

    Technical Models

    Technical Models owned by you are shown in the bottom Registered Technical Models section. As for businesses, users can Edit or Delete technical models owned by them by clicking the appropriate links in the Actions column.

    Note: Users should take note that deletion of Technical Models (tModels) does not cause them to be physically deleted, but hidden. This is in accordance with the UDDI Registry V3.0 specifications. After deletion Technical Models are shown under the "Shown Owned Entities" link on the publish page but not via the Find links on the Find page. ALL other entities are deleted from the UDDI Registry in the normal way.

Example of publishing a Business, Service and tModel with the User Console

For the example, here, we will assume a business called Modern Cars that sells used cars

  1. Add the Business

    Click the Publish tab in the left hand navigation frame. Then click 'Add a business' in the Advanced Publish in the left pane. This takes you to a 'Publish Business' pane on the right. Start by adding your Business Name in the text field labelled (Modern Cars in this example) and select a language and then click on the blue Add name to the right. This adds the business name. Below the Business Name is the descriptions field - free text can be added to describe the business. Enter a description and click the blue Add description link to add the description. We can add multiple descriptions in a variety of languages as required.

    Categorizations can be used to describe the business according to which categories it falls into. This example uses a Used car dealership. As an example, view the NAICS taxonomy by clicking 'Show category tree' and then expanding NAICS 2002 in the left hand panel. Expand the Retail Trade [44] entry by clicking the (+) plus sign next to it. You may need to drag the division between the left and right panes to be able to see all the category names. Similarly expand Motor Vehicle and Parts Dealers [441] then automobile Dealers [4411] and finally Used Car Dealers [44112]. Select 'Used Car Dealers [441120] and the 'Type', 'Key Name', 'Key Value' fields under categorizations will be filled in with the relevant values. Click the blue 'Add categorization' link to add the categorization details.

    Once all the fields are filled in, click Publish Business at the bottom of the form. A page is displayed showing the business details and the business is published to the UDDI Registry.

  2. Add a Service

    Click the Show owned entities link to show the businesses in the UDDI Registry that are owned by you. In our Modern Cars example, to add the description of a service provided by the business click the Add service link and a Publish Service form is shown. At the top of the form in the Service Name field one can add a name, then select it's language and click the Add name link. We can also add a description (free text), one or more bindings (to add link points to the Service), and Categorizations (to add references to taxonomies to the service. After completing the required areas, clicking the 'Publish Service' button will Publish the service to the UDDI Registry with the current form contents.

  3. Adding a new technical model

    Clicking the Add a technical model link in the left frame opens up the Publish Technical Model form on the right. Here one can enter the tModel name. Beneath this are the descriptions (a free text area to describe the technical model), overview documents (which gives a URL pointing to an overview document) and Categorizations (taxonomies describing the technical model). For each of these fields there is a blue Add link which must be clicked to add the relevant data. At the bottom of the form is a Publish Technical Model link which creates the technical model in the UDDI Registry.


See also

Displaying the user interface