Displaying the user interface
Before you begin
The following URLs are available by default to access the UDDI user console:
- http://<hostname>:9080/uddigui
- https://<hostname>:9443/uddigui
The exact behavior depends on several configurable factors, such as:
- Whether WebSphere security is enabled or not
- How the UDDI GUI role mappings are set. The UDDI Registry supports a number of security roles, including two for the user console (GUI_Publish_User and GUI_Inquiry_User). See Configuring the UDDI Registry to use WAS security for more details.
- How the UDDI GUI SSL transport-guarantee constraints are set. The UDDI Registry allows SSL settings to be configured and this include two settings for the user console.
The following topics describe the behavior of the UDDI console, assuming a default configuration for role mappings and transport-guarantees.
Access with WebSphere security disabled
We can access the user console from one of the following URLs:
- http://<hostname>:9080/uddigui - no requests (publish nor inquire) are authenticated and the data flow is not secure (non SSL). Even though SSL transport-guarantee settings are defined, they are not enforced if security is disabled.
- https://<hostname>:9443/uddigui - no requests (publish nor inquire) are authenticated, but the data flow is secure because the SSL url and port are used explicitly.
Note: With WebSphere security disabled, all the publish operations are performed using a userid of UNAUTHENTICATED or a value that can be configured using the Administrative Console or the JMX management interface (this applies to new requests only).
Access with WebSphere security enabled
You can access the user console from one of the following URLs:
- http://<hostname>:9080/uddigui - inquiry requests do not require authentication; they use the http url and are not secure. Publish requests do require WebSphere authentication (see Configuring the UDDI Registry to use WAS security for more information). When you access the publish pane you will be dynamically redirected to use https, and will be prompted for a userid and password.
- https://<hostname>:9443/uddigui - in this case you will be using secure request and will be prompted to authenticate with a userid and password.
The user console displays the default frameset containing:
- the header frame,
- the navigation frame showing find options, and
- the details frame.
When you click the link to show the publish options in the navigation frame, you are asked for a userid and password.
If the GUI_Inquiry_User role is mapped to all authenticated users and the transport-guarantee in the user-data-constraint section for that role is set to CONFIDENTIAL, all requests (including inquiry) require authentication.