Searching this documentation

This topic describes how to use the search capability of the information center.

Searching all documentation

To search all documentation topics included in the table of contents, enter a search term in the Search box on your information center border and click Go.

The search results are displayed in the navigation area, replacing the table of contents. When you select a topic from the search results list, optionally use Show in Table of Contents on your information center border to show the location of the topic in the table of contents.

Additional buttons let you toggle between displaying the search results and the table of contents in the navigation area.

Show table of contents

Show search results

Searching part of the documentation

To include only part of the documentation topics in your search, perform an Advanced search.

Clicking Advanced search displays a dialog box in which one can enter the search terms and select a subset of the documentation in which to look for the terms.

Note that when you leave the Advanced search dialog box, the search scope reverts to "all documentation."

The Advanced search is also where use operators such as *,?, and OR. See the following details.

Removing search highlighting

The search highlighting feature highlights the occurrences of your search terms in a topic you selected from the search results list. When many occurrences of your search terms exist in a topic, the search highlighting feature can disrupt your reading.

To remove the highlighting from a topic, locate the topic in the table of contents, using Show in Table of Contents.

Select the topic from the table of contents. The topic is reloaded into the content area, with the highlighting removed.

Searching titles only The Site Map document lists the titles of all documentation topics that are available for one edition of the product. Use your browser Find function to search the Site Map for a key word.



Search criteria Search result
* any string
? any single character
"" exact phrase
AND, OR, NOT boolean operators

xx AND yy - hits that contain both xx, yy

xx OR yy - hits that contain either xx, yy

NOT xx - hits that do NOT contain xx

book selection check box only books with a check mark are included in the search


See Also

the documentation