Errors or problems deploying, installing, or promoting applications



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This article describes problems that you might encounter when deploying, installing, or promoting applications and suggests ways to resolve the problems.

What kind of problem are you having?

Check the following first:

  • Verify that the logical name that you have specified to appear on the console for your application, enterprise bean module or other resource does not contain invalid characters such as these: - / \ : * ? " < > |.

  • If the application was installed using the wsadmin $AdminApp install command with the -local flag, restart the server or rerun the command without the -local flag.

If you do not see a problem that resembles yours, or if the information provided does not solve your problem, check to see if the problem is identified and documented by looking at available online support including hints and tips, technotes, and fixes. If the problem has not been identified, see Obtaining help from IBM.


I installed my application using the wsadmin tool, but the application does not display under Applications > Enterprise Applications

The application might be installed but you have not saved the configuration:

  1. Verify that the application subdirectory is located under the install_dir/installedApps directory.

  2. Run the $AdminApp list command and verify that the application is not among those displayed.

    • In the bin directory, run the wsadmin.bat or command.

    • From the wsadmin prompt, enter $AdminApp list and verify that the problem application is not among the items that display.

  3. Reinstall your application using the wsadmin tool. Run the $AdminConfig save command in the wsadmin tool before exiting.


I get a java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed_saving_bytes_to_wor_ERROR_ error in the assembly tool, administrative console or the wsadmin tool.

If you see this error when attempting to generate deployed code in an assembly tool, installing an application or module in the administrative console, or using the wsadmin tool to install an application or module, the file path length of the temporary system file might be exceeded. This situation is typically an issue only on Windows platforms.

To verify this problem, check the TEMP and TMP environment variables for your system. Long environment variables add path length to the file names accessed by the EJBDeploy tool.

To resolve the problem:

  1. Stop all WAS processes and close all DOS prompts.

  2. Set the TMP and TEMP environment variables to something short, for example C:\TMP and C:\TEMP.

  3. Reinstall the application.

Otherwise, try rebooting and redeploying or reinstalling the application.


WASX7015E error running wsadmin command "$AdminApp installInteractive" or "$AdminApp install"

This problem has two possible causes:

  • If the full text of the error is similar to

    WASX7015E: Exception running command: 
    "$AdminApp installInteractive C:/Documents and Settings/
    myUserName/Desktop/MyApp/myapp.ear"; exception information: error while 
    eval'ing Jacl expression: can't find method "installInteractive" 
    with 3 argument(s) for class 
    The file and path name are incorrectly specified. In this case, since the path included spaces, it was interpreted as multiple parameters by the wsadmin program.

    Enter the path of the .ear file correctly. In this case, by enclosing it in double quotes

    $AdminApp installInteractive "C:\Documents 
    and Settings\myUserName\Desktop\MyApps\myapp.ear"

  • If the full text of the error is similar to

    WASX7015E: Exception running command: "$AdminApp installInteractive c:\MyApps\myapp.ear "; 
    exception information:  WASX7115E: 
    Cannot read input file 
    The application path is incorrectly specified. In this case, use UNIX-style "forward-slash" (/) separators in the path.


Data definition language (DDL) generated by an assembly tool throws SQL error on target platform

If you receive SQL errors in attempting to execute data definition language (DDL) statements generated by an assembly tool on a different platform, for example if you are deploying a container-managed persistence (CMP) enterprise bean designed on Windows onto a UNIX operating system server, try the following actions:

If you receive the following error after executing a DDL file created on Windows operating system on a UNIX platform, the problem might come from a difference in file formats

was found following "        ".  Expected tokens may include:  " ".  
To resolve this problem:

  • For UNIX platforms other than Linux, edit the DDL in the vi editor, removing the Ctl-M character at the beginning of each line.

  • For Linux systems, regenerate the deployment code for the application EAR file on a Linux platform.


Error message ADMA0004E: Validation error in task Specifying the Default Datasource for EJB Modules returned when installing application using the administrative console or the wsadmin tool

If you see the following error when trying to install an application through the administrative console or the wsadmin command prompt

AppDeploymentException: [ADMA0014E: Validation failed. 
ADMA0004E: Validation error in task Specifying the Default Datasource for 
EJB Modules  JNDI name is not 
specified for module beannameBean Jar with URI filename.jar,META-INF/ejb-jar.xml. 
You have not specified the 
data source for each CMP bean belonging to this module. Either specify the data 
source for each CMP beans or 
specify the default data source for the entire module.] 

one possible cause is that in WAS Version 4.0, it was mandatory to have a data source defined for each CMP bean in each JAR. In V5, one can specify either a data source for a container-managed persistence (CMP) bean or a default data source for all CMP beans in the JAR file. Thus during installation interaction, such as the installation wizard in the administrative console, the data source fields are optional, but the validation performed at the end of the installation checks to see that at least one data source is specified.

To correct this problem, step through the installation again, and specify either a default data source or a data source for each CMP-type enterprise bean. If you are using the wsadmin tool, either:


Error message No valid target is specified in ObjectName anObject for module module_name from installation

This error can occur in a clustered environment if the target cell, node, server or cluster into which the application is to be installed is incorrectly specified. For example, it can occur if the target is misspelled.

To correct this problem, check the target names against the actual WAS topology and reenter them with corrections.


addNode -includeapps option does not appear to upload all applications to the Deployment Manager

This error can occur when some or all applications on the target node are already uploaded to the deployment manager. The addNode program detects which applications are already installed and does not upload them again.

Use the administrative console to browse the deployment manager configuration and see the applications that are already installed.


"Timeout!!!" error displays when attempting to install an enterprise application in the administrative console

This error can occur if you attempt to install an enterprise application that has not been deployed.

To correct this problem:

  • Open the file_name.ear file in an assembly tool and then click Deploy. This action creates a file with a name like Deployed_file_name.ear.

  • In the administrative console, install the deployed .ear file.


I get a NameNotFoundException message when deploying an application that contains an EJB module

If you specify that EJB deploy be run during application installation and the installation fails with a NameNotFoundException message, ensure that the input JAR or EAR file does not contain source files. If there are source files in the input JAR or EAR file, the EJB deployment tools runs a rebuild before generating the deployment code.

To work around this problem, either remove the source files or include all dependent classes and resource files on the class path. Otherwise, the source files or the lack of access to dependent classes and resource files might cause problems during rebuilding of your application on the server.


During application installation, the call to EJB deploy throws an exception

When you specify that EJB deploy be run during application installation and if installation fails with the error command line too long, the problem is that the deployment command generated during installation exceeds the character limit for a command line on the Windows platform. This problem occurs only on Windows platforms.

To work around this problem, one can reduce the length of the EAR file name, reduce the length of the JAR file name within the EAR file, reduce the class path or other options specified for deployment, or change the %TEMP% location of the Windows system to make its path shorter.


I get compilation errors and EJB deploy fails when installing an EJB JAR file generated for V5.x or earlier

When installing an old application that uses EJB modules that were built to run on WebSphere Application Server V5.x or earlier, compilation errors result and EJB deploy fails. The EJB JAR file contains Java source for the old generated code. The old Java source was generated for V5.x or before but, when deployed to a WAS V6.x product, it is compiled using the V6.x run-time JAR files.

To work around this problem, remove all .java files from the application .ear file. After the Java source files are removed, one can deploy the application onto a server successfully.


While uploading documents, addNode -includeapps fails with an OutOfMemoryError exception

This error can occur when you use addNode -includeapps while you are installing applications with large EAR files. To correct this problem:

For example, the addNode.bat file that follows sets a maximum heap size of 512 MB on a Windows platform

-Dwas.install.root=%WAS_HOME%" "" 
"%WAS_NODE%" %*


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