Configure schedulers using Java Management Extensions



Schedulers can be created or configured using the Java Management Extensions (JMX) API using one of several scripting languages or Java. In order to run with Java, two JAR files need to be present in the program class path: wsexception.jar and wasjmx.jar.

Complete these steps when using Java programs that utilize JMX.



  1. Look up the host and get an administration client handle.

  2. Get a configuration service handle.

  3. Update the resource-pme.xml file using the configuration service, as desired.

    1. Find the SchedulerProvider for a given scope.

    2. Create a SchedulerConfiguration and specify all required parameters identifying the SchedulerProvider as the parent object.

  4. Reload the resource-pme.xml file to bind the newly created scheduler into the JNDI namespace. Perform this step if you want to use the newly created scheduler immediately, without restarting the application server.

    1. Locate the DataSourceConfigHelper MBean using the name.

    2. Invoke the reload() operation.



A scheduler is now configured and ready to use for newly installed applications. If the scheduler JNDI name is not yet visible to your application, reinstalling the application or restarting the application server will allow the scheduler to be seen.

When schedulers are created for the first time, the poll daemon does not automatically start, and start it manually. When you restart the server, the poll daemon starts automatically. To start the poll daemon manually, see the scheduler daemons topic.

Note: Changes to existing scheduler configurations will not take affect until after the application server is restarted.


See also

Example: Using scripting to create and configure schedulers


See Also

Introduction: Administrative scripting (wsadmin)


Related Tasks

Creating a custom Java administrative client program using WAS administrative Java APIs


See Also
