Terms used in this book
The term UNIX systems or UNIX denotes the following operating systems:
- Linux
- Solaris
The terms Linux systems or Linux denotes:
- Linux (x86 platform)
- Linux (POWER platform)
- Linux (zSeries platform)
The term Windows denotes the following Windows operating systems:
- Windows 2000
- Windows XP
- Windows 2003
The variable mqmtop represents the name of the base directory where WebSphere MQ is installed on UNIX and Windows systems.
- On AIX, the actual name of the directory is /usr/mqm
- On other UNIX systems, the actual name of the directory is /opt/mqm
- On Windows systems, the default directory is C:\\IBM\WebSphere MQ but you might have chosen to install to a different directory.
The term WebSphere MQ JMS means WebSphere MQ classes for Java Message Service.
The term WebSphere MQ Java means WebSphere MQ classes for Java and WebSphere MQ classes for Java Message Service combined.
The term WebSphere MQ extended transactional client means a WebSphere MQ client that has the extended transactional function.
The term WebSphere MQ base client means a WebSphere MQ client that does not have the extended transactional function.