

How the client connects to the server



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An application running in the WebSphere MQ client environment runs in synchronous mode because there must be an active connection between the client and server machines.

The connection is made by an application issuing an MQCONN or MQCONNX call. Clients and servers communicate through MQI channels. When the call succeeds, the MQI channel remains connected until the application issues a MQDISC call. This is the case for every queue manager that an application needs to connect to.


Client and queue manager on the same machine

We can also run an application in the WebSphere MQ client environment when your machine also has a queue manager installed. In this situation, you have the choice of linking to the queue manager libraries or the client libraries, but remember that if you link to the client libraries, you still need to define the channel connections. This can be useful during the development phase of an application. We can test your program on your own machine, with no dependency on others, and be confident that it will still work when you move it to a full WebSphere MQ environment.


Clients on different platforms

Here is another example of a WebSphere MQ client and server system. In this example, the server machine communicates with three WebSphere MQ clients on different platforms.

Figure 2. WebSphere MQ server connected to clients on different platforms

Other more complex environments are possible. For example, a WebSphere MQ client can connect to more than one queue manager, or any number of queue managers connected as part of a queue-sharing group.

