

Visual Basic declaration


In Visual Basic, the MQCD structure can be used with the MQCNO structure on the MQCONNX call.

  ChannelName            As String*20  'Channel definition name'
  V               As Long       'Structure version number'
  ChannelType            As Long       'Channel type'
  TransportType          As Long       'Transport type'
  Desc                   As String*64  'Channel description'
  QMgrName               As String*48  'Queue-manager name'
  XmitQName              As String*48  'Transmission queue name'
  ShortConnectionName    As String*20  'First 20 bytes of connection'
  MCAName                As String*20  'Reserved'
  ModeName               As String*8   'LU 6.2 Mode name'
  TpName                 As String*64  'LU 6.2 transaction program name'
  BatchSize              As Long       'Batch size'
  DiscInterval           As Long       'Disconnect interval'
  ShortRetryCount        As Long       'Short retry count'
  ShortRetryInterval     As Long       'Short retry wait interval'
  LongRetryCount         As Long       'Long retry count'
  LongRetryInterval      As Long       'Long retry wait interval'
  SecurityExit           As String*n   'Channel security exit name'
  MsgExit                As String*n   'Channel message exit name'
  SendExit               As String*n   'Channel send exit name'
  ReceiveExit            As String*n   'Channel receive exit name'
  SeqNumberWrap          As Long       'Highest allowable message'
                                       'sequence number'
  MaxMsgLength           As Long       'Maximum message length'
  PutAuthority           As Long       'Put authority'
  DataConversion         As Long       'Data conversion'
  SecurityUserData       As String*32  'Channel security exit user data'
  MsgUserData            As String*32  'Channel message exit user data'
  SendUserData           As String*32  'Channel send exit user data'
  ReceiveUserData        As String*32  'Channel receive exit user data'
  UserIdentifier         As String*12  'User identifier'
  Password               As String*12  'Password'
  MCAUserIdentifier      As String*12  'First 12 bytes of MCA user'
  MCAType                As Long       'Message channel agent type'
  ConnectionName         As String*264 'Connection name'
  RemoteUserIdentifier   As String*12  'First 12 bytes of user'
                                       'identifier from partner'
  RemotePassword         As String*12  'Password from partner'
  MsgRetryExit           As String*n   'Channel message retry exit name'
  MsgRetryUserData       As String*32  'Channel message retry exit user'
  MsgRetryCount          As Long       'Number of times MCA will try to'
                                       'put the message, after the'
                                       'first attempt has failed'
  MsgRetryInterval       As Long       'Minimum interval in'
                                       'milliseconds after which the'
                                       'open or put operation will be'
  HeartbeatInterval      As Long       'Time in seconds between'
                                       'heartbeat flows'
  BatchInterval          As Long       'Batch duration'
  NonPersistentMsgSpeed  As Long       'Speed at which nonpersistent'
                                       'messages are sent'
  StrucLength            As Long       'Length of MQCD structure'
  ExitNameLength         As Long       'Length of exit name'
  ExitDataLength         As Long       'Length of exit user data'
  MsgExitsDefined        As Long       'Number of message exits defined'
  SendExitsDefined       As Long       'Number of send exits defined'
  ReceiveExitsDefined    As Long       'Number of receive exits defined'
  MsgExitPtr             As String*4   'Address of first MsgExit field'
  MsgUserDataPtr         As String*4   'Address of first MsgUserData'
  SendExitPtr            As String*4   'Address of first SendExit field'
  SendUserDataPtr        As String*4   'Address of first SendUserData'
  ReceiveExitPtr         As String*4   'Address of first ReceiveExit'
  ReceiveUserDataPtr     As String*4   'Address of first'
                                       'ReceiveUserData field'
  ClusterPtr             As String*4   'Address of a list of cluster'
  ClustersDefined        As Long       'Number of clusters to which the'
                                       'channel belongs'
  NetworkPriority        As Long       'Network priority'
  LongMCAUserIdLength    As Long       'Length of long MCA user'
  LongRemoteUserIdLength As Long       'Length of long remote user'
  LongMCAUserIdPtr       As String*4   'Address of long MCA user'
  LongRemoteUserIdPtr    As String*4   'Address of long remote user'
  MCASecurityId          As String*40  'MCA security identifier'
  RemoteSecurityId       As String*40  'Remote security identifier'
  SSLCipherSpec          As String*32  'SSL CipherSpec'
  SSLPeerNamePtr         As String*4   'Address of SSL peer name'
  SSLPeerNameLength      As Long       'Length of SSL peer name'
  SSLClientAuth          As Long       'Whether SSL client'
                                       'authentication is required'
  KeepAliveInterval      As Long       'Keepalive interval'
  LocalAddress           As String*48  'Local communications address'
  BatchHeartbeat         As Long       'Batch heartbeat interval'
  HdrCompList            As Long2      'Header data compression list'
  MsgCompList             As Long16    'Message data compression list'
  CLWLChannelRank         As Long      'Channel Rank'
  CLWLChannelPriority     As Long      'Channel priority'
  CLWLChannelWeight       As Long      'Channel Weight'
  ChannelMonitoring       As Long      'Channel Monitoring control'
  ChannelStatistics       As Long      'Channel Statistics'
End Type


Parent topic:

MQCD – Channel definition


