

NonPersistentMsgSpeed (MQLONG)


Speed at which nonpersistent messages are sent.

This specifies the speed at which nonpersistent messages travel through the channel.

This field is relevant only for channels with a ChannelType of MQCHT_SENDER, MQCHT_SERVER, MQCHT_RECEIVER, MQCHT_REQUESTER, MQCHT_CLUSSDR, or MQCHT_CLUSRCVR.

The value is one of the following:


Normal speed.

If a channel is defined to be MQNPMS_NORMAL, nonpersistent messages travel through the channel at normal speed. This has the advantage that these messages will not be lost if there is a channel failure. Also, persistent and nonpersistent messages on the same transmission queue maintain their order relative to each other.


Fast speed.

If a channel is defined to be MQNPMS_FAST, nonpersistent messages travel through the channel at fast speed. This improves the throughput of the channel, but means that nonpersistent messages will be lost if there is a channel failure. Also, it is possible for nonpersistent messages to jump ahead of persistent messages waiting on the same transmission queue, that is, the order of nonpersistent messages is not maintained relative to persistent messages. However the order of nonpersistent messages relative to each other is maintained. Similarly, the order of persistent messages relative to each other is maintained.


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