

Create a controller description


  1. At a command line type CRTCTLAPPC and press Enter.
                          Create Ctl Desc (APPC) (CRTCTLAPPC)
    Type choices, press Enter.
    Controller description . . . . .   WINNTCP         Name
    Link type  . . . . . . . . . . .   *LAN          *FAX, *FR, *IDLC,
    Online at IPL  . . . . . . . . .   *NO           *YES, *NO
    F3=Exit   F4=Prompt   F5=Refresh   F10=Additional parameters   F12=Cancel
    F13=How to use this display        F24=More keys
    Parameter CTLD required.                                                     +

  2. Specify a value for Controller description (12), set Link type to *LAN, and set Online at IPL to *NO.

  3. Press Enter twice, followed by F10.
                           Create Ctl Desc (APPC) (CRTCTLAPPC)
     Type choices, press Enter.
     Controller description . . . . . > WINNTCP         Name
     Link type  . . . . . . . . . . . > *LAN          *FAX, *FR, *IDLC, *LAN...
     Online at IPL  . . . . . . . . . > *NO           *YES, *NO
     APPN-capable . . . . . . . . . .   *YES          *YES, *NO
     Switched line list . . . . . . .   TOKENRINGL    Name
                    + for more values
     Maximum frame size . . . . . . .   *LINKTYPE     265-16393, 256, 265, 512...
     Remote network identifier  . . .   NETID         Name, *NETATR, *NONE, *ANY
     Remote control point . . . . . .   WINNTCP         Name, *ANY
     Exchange identifier  . . . . . .                 00000000-FFFFFFFF
     Initial connection . . . . . . .   *DIAL         *DIAL, *ANS
     Dial initiation  . . . . . . . .   *LINKTYPE     *LINKTYPE, *IMMED, *DELAY
     LAN remote adapter address . . .   10005AFC5D83  000000000001-FFFFFFFFFFFF
     APPN CP session support  . . . .   *YES          *YES, *NO
     APPN node type . . . . . . . . .   *ENDNODE      *ENDNODE, *LENNODE...
     APPN transmission group number     1             1-20, *CALC
     F3=Exit   F4=Prompt   F5=Refresh   F12=Cancel   F13=How to use this display
     F24=More keys

  4. Specify values for Switched line list (6), Remote network identifier (9), Remote control point (10), and LAN remote adapter address (16).

  5. Press Enter.


Parent topic:

Connection to partner node


