

Channel states on i5/OS


Channel states are displayed on the Work with Channels panel (described in Figure 1). There are some differences between the names of channel states on different versions of WebSphere MQ for iSeries. In the following table, the state names shown for V4R2 correspond to the channel states described in Figure 1. As shown in the table, some of these states have different names, or do not exist for earlier versions.

Channel states on i5/OS
State name (V3R6) State name (V3R2, V3R7, V4R2, V5R1) Meaning
- STARTING Channel is ready to begin negotiation with target MCA
BINDING BINDING Establishing a session and initial data exchange
REQUESTING REQUESTING Requester channel initiating a connection
READY RUNNING Transferring or ready to transfer
PAUSED PAUSED Waiting for message-retry interval
CLOSING STOPPING Establishing whether to retry or stop
RETRYING RETRYING Waiting until next retry attempt
DISABLED STOPPED Channel stopped because of an error or because an end-channel command is issued
STOPPED INACTIVE Channel ended processing normally or channel never started
- *None No state (for server-connection channels only)

The state *None applies only to V3R2 and V3R7.


Parent topic:

Preparing WebSphere MQ for iSeries


