Supports migration
Applications external to a queue-sharing group can deliver messages to a queue residing on any queue manager in the queue-sharing group, while being connected only to a particular queue manager in the queue-sharing group. This is because messages arriving on a receiver channel, destined for a queue on a remote queue manager, can be transparently sent to the destination queue using intra-group queuing. This facility allows applications to be deployed among the queue-sharing group without the need to change any systems that are external to the queue-sharing group.
A typical configuration is illustrated by the following diagram, in which:
- A requesting application connected to queue manager QMG1 needs to send a message to a local queue on queue manager QMG3.
- Queue manager QMG1 is connected only to queue manager QMG2.
- Queue managers QMG2 and QMG3, which were previously connected using channels, are now members of queue-sharing group SQ26.
Figure 1. An example of migration support
The flow of operations is as follows:
- The requesting application puts a message, destined for local queue LQ1 at remote queue manager QMG3, on to remote queue definition RQ1.
- Queue manager QMG1, running on a Windows NT workstation, places the message on to the transmission queue XQ1.
- Sender MCA (S) on QM1 transmits the message, via TCP/IP, to the receiver MCA (R) on channel initiator CHINIT2.
- Receiver MCA (R) on channel initiator CHINIT2 places the message on to the shared transmission queue SYSTEM.QSG.TRANSMIT.QUEUE.
- IGQ agent on queue manager QMG3 retrieves the message from the SYSTEM.QSG.TRANSMIT.QUEUE and places it on to the target local queue LQ1.
- The server application retrieves the message from the target local queue and processes it.
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