

Supports migration


Applications external to a queue-sharing group can deliver messages to a queue residing on any queue manager in the queue-sharing group, while being connected only to a particular queue manager in the queue-sharing group. This is because messages arriving on a receiver channel, destined for a queue on a remote queue manager, can be transparently sent to the destination queue using intra-group queuing. This facility allows applications to be deployed among the queue-sharing group without the need to change any systems that are external to the queue-sharing group.

A typical configuration is illustrated by the following diagram, in which:

Figure 1. An example of migration support

The flow of operations is as follows:

  1. The requesting application puts a message, destined for local queue LQ1 at remote queue manager QMG3, on to remote queue definition RQ1.

  2. Queue manager QMG1, running on a Windows NT workstation, places the message on to the transmission queue XQ1.

  3. Sender MCA (S) on QM1 transmits the message, via TCP/IP, to the receiver MCA (R) on channel initiator CHINIT2.

  4. Receiver MCA (R) on channel initiator CHINIT2 places the message on to the shared transmission queue SYSTEM.QSG.TRANSMIT.QUEUE.

  5. IGQ agent on queue manager QMG3 retrieves the message from the SYSTEM.QSG.TRANSMIT.QUEUE and places it on to the target local queue LQ1.

  6. The server application retrieves the message from the target local queue and processes it.


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