

Defining a TCP connection


The TCP address space name must be specified in the TCP system parameters data set, tcpip.TCPIP.DATA. In the data set, a "TCPIPJOBNAME TCPIP_proc" statement must be included.

The channel initiator address space must have authority to read the data set. The following techniques can be used to access your TCPIP.DATA data set, depending on which TCP/IP product and interface you are using:

You must also be careful to specify the high-level qualifier for TCP/IP correctly.

You should have a suitably configured Domain Name System (DNS) server, capable of both Name to IP Address translation and IP Address to Name translation.

For more information, see the following:

Each TCP channel when started will use TCP resources; you may need to adjust the following parameters in your PROFILE.TCPIP configuration data set:


Add one per started TCP channel, plus one


Add one per started TCP channel, plus one per DQM dispatcher, plus one


Add two per started TCP channel, plus one


Controls how many channels each dispatcher in the channel initiator can handle.

This parameter is specified in the BPXPRMxx member of SYSI.PARMLIB. Ensure that you specify a value large enough for your needs.

By default, the channel initiator is only capable of binding to IP addresses associated with the stack named in the TCPNAME queue manager attribute. To allow the channel initiator to communicate using additional TCP/IP stacks on the system, you should change the TCPSTACK queue manager attribute to MULTIPLE.


Parent topic:

Set up communication for z/OS


