Use the initial panel
For an introduction to invoking the operations and control panels, using the function keys, and getting help, see the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide.
To use the operations and control panels, have the correct security authorization; see the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide for information. Figure 1 shows the panel that is displayed when you start a panel session. The text after the panel explains the actions you should perform in this panel.
Figure 1. The operations and controls initial panelIBM WebSphere MQ for z/OS - Main Menu Complete fields. Then press Enter. Action . . . . . . . . . . 1 0. List with filter 4. Manage 1. List or Display 5. Perform 2. Define like 6. Start 3. Alter 7. Stop Object type . . . . . . . . CHANNEL + Name . . . . . . . . . . . * Disposition . . . . . . . . A Q=Qmgr, C=Copy, P=Private, G=Group, S=Shared, A=All Connect name . . . . . . . MQ25 - local queue manager or group Target queue manager . . . MQ25 - connected or remote queue manager for command input Action queue manager . . . MQ25 - command scope in group Response wait time . . . . 10 5 - 999 seconds Command ===> ________________________________________________________________ F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F4=Prompt F9=SwapNext F10=Messages F12=CancelFrom this panel we can:
- Select the action you want to perform by typing in the appropriate number in the Action field.
- Specify the object type that you want to work with. Press F4 for a list of object types if you are not sure what they are.
- Display a list of objects of the type specified. Type in an asterisk (*) in the Name field and press Enter to display a list of objects (of the type specified) that have already been defined on this subsystem. We can then select one or more objects to work with in sequence. Figure 2 shows a list of channels produced in this way.
- Specify the disposition in the queue-sharing group of the objects you want to work with in the Disposition field. The disposition determines where the object is kept and how the object behaves.
- Choose the local queue manager, or queue-sharing group to which you want to connect in the Connect name field. If you want the commands to be issued on a remote queue manager, choose either the Target queue manager field or the Action queue manager field, depending upon whether the remote queue manager is not or is a member of a queue-sharing group. If the remote queue manager is not a member of a queue-sharing group, choose the Target queue manager field. If the remote queue manager is a member of a queue-sharing group, choose the Action queue manager field.
- Choose the wait time for responses to be received in the Response wait time field.
Figure 2. Listing channelsList Channels - MQ25 Row 1 of 8 Type action codes, then press Enter. Press F11 to display connection status. 1=Display 2=Define like 3=Alter 4=Manage 5=Perform 6=Start 7=Stop Name Type Disposition Status <> * CHANNEL ALL MQ25 _ SYSTEM.DEF.CLNTCONN CLNTCONN QMGR MQ25 _ SYSTEM.DEF.CLUSRCVR CLUSRCVR QMGR MQ25 INACTIVE _ SYSTEM.DEF.CLUSSDR CLUSSDR QMGR MQ25 INACTIVE _ SYSTEM.DEF.RECEIVER RECEIVER QMGR MQ25 INACTIVE _ SYSTEM.DEF.REQUESTER REQUESTER QMGR MQ25 INACTIVE _ SYSTEM.DEF.SENDER SENDER QMGR MQ25 INACTIVE _ SYSTEM.DEF.SERVER SERVER QMGR MQ25 INACTIVE _ SYSTEM.DEF.SVRCONN SVRCONN QMGR MQ25 INACTIVE ******** End of list ******** Command ===> ________________________________________________________________ F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F4=Filter F5=Refresh F7=Bkwd F8=Fwd F9=SwapNext F10=Messages F11=Status F12=Cancel
Parent topic:
Using the panels and the commands