

Receive exit user data (RCVDATA)


Specifies user data that is passed to the receive exit.

We can run a sequence of receive exits. The string of user data for a series of exits should be separated by a comma, spaces, or both. For example:

RCVDATA(exit1_data exit2_data)
SENDDATA(exit1_data, exit2_data)

In WebSphere MQ for UNIX systems, and Windows systems, the length of the string of exit names and strings of user data is limited to 500 characters. In WebSphere MQ for iSeries you can specify up to 10 exit names and the length of user data for each is limited to 32 characters. In WebSphere MQ for z/OS we can specify up to eight strings of user data each of length 32 characters.

This attribute is valid for all channel types.


Parent topic:

Channel attributes in alphabetical order


