

Long retry count (LONGRTY)


Specify the maximum number of times that the channel is to try allocating a session to its partner. If the initial allocation attempt fails, the short retry count number is decremented and the channel retries the remaining number of times. If it still fails, it retries a long retry count number of times with an interval of long retry interval between each try. If it is still unsuccessful, the channel closes down. The channel must subsequently be restarted with a command (it is not started automatically by the channel initiator).

(Retry is not attempted if the cause of failure is such that a retry is not likely to be successful.)

If the channel initiator (on z/OS) or queue manager (on distributed platforms) stops while the channel is retrying, the short retry count and long retry count are reset when the channel initiator or queue manager is restarted or when a message is successfully put at the sender channel. However, if the if the channel initiator (on z/OS) or queue manager (on distributed platforms) is shut down and restarted immediately after either of those actions, the short retry count and long retry count are not reset. The channel retains the retry count values it had before the channel restart or the message being put.

The long retry count attribute can be set from zero through 999␠999␠999.

This attribute is valid for channel types of:

For i5/OS, UNIX systems, and Windows systems, in order for retry to be attempted a channel initiator must be running. The channel initiator must be monitoring the initiation queue specified in the definition of the transmission queue that the channel is using.


Parent topic:

Channel attributes in alphabetical order


