Checking that the other end of the channel is still available
- If either of the above values is zero, there is no timeout.
- For connections that do not support heartbeats, the HBINT value is negotiated to zero in step 2 and hence there is no timeout, so use TCP/IP KEEPALIVE.
- For client connections, heartbeats are only flowed from the server when the client issues an MQGET call with wait; none are flowed during other MQI calls. Therefore, you are not recommended to set the heartbeat interval too small for client channels. For example, if the heartbeat is set to ten seconds, an MQCMIT call will fail (with MQRC_CONNECTION_BROKEN) if it takes longer than twenty seconds to commit because no data will have been flowed during this time. This can happen with large units of work. However, it should not happen if appropriate values are chosen for the heartbeat interval because only MQGET with wait should take significant periods of time.
- Aborting the connection after twice the heartbeat interval is valid because a data or heartbeat flow is expected at least every heartbeat interval. Setting the heartbeat interval too small, however, can cause problems, especially if you are using channel exits. For example, if the HBINT value is one second, and a send or receive exit is used, the receiving end will only wait for two seconds before aborting the channel. If the MCA is performing a task such as encrypting the message, this value might be too short.
Parent topic:
Channel control function