

Auto-definition of receiver and server-connection channels


In WebSphere MQ on all platforms except z/OS, if there is no appropriate channel definition, then for a receiver or server-connection channel that has auto-definition enabled, a definition is created automatically. The definition is created using:

  1. The appropriate model channel definition, SYSTEM.AUTO.RECEIVER or SYSTEM.AUTO.SVRCONN. The model channel definitions for auto-definition are the same as the system defaults, SYSTEM.DEF.RECEIVER and SYSTEM.DEF.SVRCONN, except for the description field, which is “Auto-defined by” followed by 49 blanks. The systems administrator can choose to change any part of the supplied model channel definitions.

  2. Information from the partner system. The partner’s values are used for the channel name and the sequence number wrap value.

  3. A channel exit program, which we can use to alter the values created by the auto-definition. See Channel auto-definition exit program.

The description is then checked to determine whether it has been altered by an auto-definition exit or because the model definition has been changed. If the first 44 characters are still “Auto-defined by” followed by 29 blanks, the queue manager name is added. If the final 20 characters are still all blanks the local time and date are added.

Once the definition has been created and stored the channel start proceeds as though the definition had always existed. The batch size, transmission size, and message size are negotiated with the partner.


Parent topic:

Preparing channels


