

How to create queue manager and reply-to aliases


As discussed above, the remote queue definition object is used in three different ways. Table 1 explains how to define each of the three ways:

Three ways of using the remote queue definition object
Usage Queue manager name Queue name Transmission queue name
1. Remote queue definition (on OPEN call)
Supplied in the call blank or local QM (*) required   -
Supplied in the definition required required optional
2. Queue manager alias (on OPEN call)
Supplied in the call (*) required and not local QM required   -
Supplied in the definition required blank optional
3. Reply-to queue alias (on PUT call)
Supplied in the call blank (*) required   -
Supplied in the definition optional optional blank

(*) means that this name is the name of the definition object

For a formal description, see Queue name resolution.


Parent topic:

Message flow control


