Changes for the previous edition (SC34–6587–00)
The changes to the previous edition of WebSphere MQ Intercommunication include:
- Information relevant only to unsupported versions of MQSeries has been removed. This includes MQSeries on the following platforms:
- OS/2 Warp
- Compaq OpenVMS VAX
- SINIX and DC/OSx
- For platforms which are not supported in WebSphere MQ V6.0 but are supported in earlier versions of WebSphere MQ or MQSeries, information is included on how to connect to those platforms from WebSphere MQ V6.0 but not on how to set up WebSphere MQ or MQSeries on those platforms. Refer to the earlier editions of this book applicable to those versions of WebSphere MQ.
- Information on Distributed Queueing with CICS has been removed, because this is no longer supported.
- Clarification of the KeepAlive Interval (KAINT) parameter
- Extension of the Disconnect Interval (DISCINT) parameter to SVRCONN channels
- Information on the UDP transport type has been removed, as UDP is no longer supported.
- Because the transport-retry exit applied only to UDP, information on this has been removed.
- Changes to how channel definitions are held
- Support for multiple TCP/IP stacks
- Support for IPv6
- Additional detail about the conversion of message headers in channel message exit programs
- A new section on channel exits on Linux
- New parameters to support an enhanced clustering workload balancing algorithm
- Information on new facilities for route tracing and activity reports
- Channel initiator parameters on z/OS are now implemented as attributes of the queue manager, not in the CSQXPARM module
- The message retry exit program is now available in z/OS
- Additional support for SSL in channel exits
- Support for data and header compression in channel exits
- The DCE security exits are withdrawn
- Alebra Brixton PU2.1 SNA server for Solaris (formerly Sunlink SNA Peer-to-Peer support) is no longer supported.
- Removal of lists of changes for previous editions
- Miscellaneous editorial improvements, corrections, and clarifications
Parent topic:
Summary of changes