Examples of SMF statistics records

Figure 19 shows an example of part of the SMF record for subtype 1. Subtype 1 includes the storage manager and log manager statistics records. The SMF record header is shown underlined.

The self-defining section at offset X'64' refers to storage manager statistics and the self-defining section at offset X'74' refers to log manager statistics, both shown in bold.

The storage manager statistics record is located at offset X'0000011C' from the start of the header and is X'48' bytes long. There is one set of storage manager statistics, identified by the eye-catcher string QSST. The start of this statistics record is also shown in the example.

The log manager statistics record is located at offset X'00000164' from the start of the header and is X'78' bytes long. There is one set of log manager statistics, identified by the eye-catcher string QJST.

Figure 19. SMF record 115, subtype 1

000000  02000000 5E730035 55750100 223FD4E5  *....;.........MV* 
000010  F4F1D4D8 F0F70001 F6F0F000 000001DC  *41MQ07..600.....* 
000020  00240001 00000000 00000000 00000000  *................* 
000030  00000000 00000000 00000000 0000007C  *...............@* 
000040  00400001 000000BC 00600001 00000000  *. .......-......* 
000050  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  *................* 
000060  00000000 0000011C 00480001 00000000  *................* 
000070  00000000 00000164 00780001 00000000  *................* 
000080  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  *................* 
000110  00000000 00000000 00000000 003C0048  *................* 
000120  D8E2E2E3 0000004F 00000003 00000002  *QSST...|........* 

Figure 20 shows an example of part of the SMF record for subtype 2. Subtype 2 includes the statistics records for the message, data, buffer, lock, Coupling Facility, and DB2 managers. The SMF record header is shown underlined; the self-defining sections are shown alternately bold and italic.

Figure 20. SMF record 115, subtype 2

000000  14A00000 5E730035 55750100 223FD4E5  *....;.........MV* 
000010  F4F1D4D8 F0F70002 F6F0F000 0000147C  *41MQ07..600....@* 
000020  00240001 00000054 00300001 00000084  *................* 
000030  00500001 000000D4 00680004 00000274  *.&.....M........* 
000040  00200001 00000294 01E00001 00000474  *................* 
000050  10080001 D40F0030 D8D4E2E3 00000000  *....M...QMST....* 
000060  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  *................* 
000070  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  *................* 
000080  00000000 C90F0050 D8C9E2E3 00000000  *....I..&QIST....* 
000090  00000001 00000000 00000025 00000003  *................* 
0000A0  00000000 0000002C 00000007 00000000  *................* 
0000B0  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000012  *................* 
0000C0  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  *................* 
0000D0  00000000 D70F0068 D8D7E2E3 00000000  *....P...QPST....* 
0000E0  000007D0 000007BD 000007BD 00000037  *...}............* 
0000F0  00000000 0000001B 0000003B 00000000  *................* 
000100  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  *................* 
000110  0000001B 00000000 00000000 00000000  *................* 
000120  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  *................* 
000130  00000000 00000000 00000000 D70F0068  *............P...* 
000140  D8D7E2E3 00000001 000007D0 000007CD  *QPST.......}....* 