Agent services codes (X'E5')


If an agent services reason code occurs that is not listed here, an internal error has occurred. Collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination and contact your IBM support center.

00E50001, 00E50002

An internal error has occurred.

System Action:

The requesting execution unit is ended abnormally.

System Programmer Response:

Collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination and contact your IBM support center.

00E50004, 00E50005, 00E50006, 00E50007, 00E50008, 00E50009, 00E50012

An internal error has occurred.

System Action:

The requesting execution unit is ended abnormally. A record is written to SYS1.LOGREC and an SVC dump is requested.

System Programmer Response:

Collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination and contact your IBM support center.


An MQ execution unit has been ended abnormally.

System Action:

The agent CANCEL processing continues.

System Programmer Response:

This reason code might be issued as a result of any abnormal termination of a connected task, or a STOP QMGR MODE(FORCE) command. No further action is required in such cases.

If the error results in the termination of the queue manager, and you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination and contact your IBM support center.


An internal error has occurred.

System Action:

An entry is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested.

System Programmer Response:

Collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination and contact your IBM support center.


An internal error has occurred.

System Action:

The operation is retried once. If this is not successful, the queue manager is terminated with reason code X'00E50054'.

A SYS1.LOGREC entry and an SVC dump are taken.

System Programmer Response:

Restart the queue manager if necessary.

Collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination and contact your IBM support center.


The agent services function which establishes the MQ tasking structure ends abnormally with this reason code following the detection of a load module which was loaded without the 31-bit addressing capability. This is preceded by message CSQV029E.

System Action:

Queue manager start-up is terminated.

System Programmer Response:

See message CSQV029E.

00E50030, 00E50031, 00E50032, 00E50035, 00E50036

An internal error has occurred.

System Action:

The requesting execution unit is ended abnormally. The error is recorded on SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested.

System Programmer Response:

Collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination and contact your IBM support center.


Queue manager termination was invoked following an unrecoverable error while processing a terminate allied agent request at the thread, or identify level.

System Action:

The queue manager is terminated.

System Programmer Response:

Restart the queue manager.

Scan the system log and the contents of SYS1.LOGREC for MQ errors occurring immediately before the system termination message CSQV086E. Follow the problem determination procedures for the specific errors. If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination and contact your IBM support center.


Queue manager termination was invoked following an unrecoverable error while processing a terminate agent request.

System Action:

The queue manager is terminated.

System Programmer Response:

Restart the queue manager.

Scan the system log and the contents of SYS1.LOGREC for MQ errors occurring immediately before the system termination message CSQV086E. Follow the problem determination procedures for the specific errors. If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination and contact your IBM support center.

00E50042, 00E50044

An internal error has occurred.

System Action:

The current execution unit is ended abnormally. A record is written to SYS1.LOGREC and an SVC dump is requested.

System Programmer Response:

Collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination and contact your IBM support center.


Queue manager termination was invoked following an unrecoverable error while processing a create allied agent service request at the thread, or identify level.

System Action:

The queue manager is terminated.

System Programmer Response:

Restart the queue manager.

Scan the system log and the contents of SYS1.LOGREC for MQ errors occurring immediately before the termination message CSQV086E. Follow the problem determination procedures for the specific errors. If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination and contact your IBM support center.


Queue manager termination was invoked following an unrecoverable error while processing a create agent structure request.

System Action:

The queue manager is terminated.

System Programmer Response:

Restart the queue manager.

Scan the system log and the contents of SYS1.LOGREC for MQ errors occurring immediately before the termination message CSQV086E. Follow the problem determination procedures for the specific errors. If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination and contact your IBM support center.


An internal error has occurred.

System Action:

The queue manager is terminated.

System Programmer Response:

Restart the queue manager.

Scan the system log and the contents of SYS1.LOGREC for MQ errors occurring immediately before the termination message CSQV086E. Follow the problem determination procedures for the specific errors. If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination and contact your IBM support center.


An internal error has occurred.

System Action:

The requesting execution unit is ended abnormally.

An X'00E50054' recovery reason code is placed in the SDWACOMU field of the SDWA, indicating that synchronization services was responsible for queue manager termination.

System Programmer Response:

Restart the queue manager.

Collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination and contact your IBM support center.


An internal error has occurred.

System Action:

The queue manager is ended abnormally with a X'5C6' completion code and this reason code.

An X'00E50054' recovery reason code is placed in the SDWACOMU field of the SDWA indicating that synchronization services was responsible for queue manager termination.

System Programmer Response:

Restart the queue manager.

Collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination and contact your IBM support center.


The z/OS cross-memory lock (CML) could not be released.

System Action:

The queue manager is ended abnormally with a X'5C6' completion code and this reason code.

An X'00E50054' recovery reason code is placed in the SDWACOMU field of the SDWA indicating that synchronization services was responsible for queue manager termination.

A record is written to SYS1.LOGREC and an SVC dump is produced.

System Programmer Response:

Restart the queue manager.

Collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination and contact your IBM support center.


The queue manager is ended abnormally by the synchronization services recovery routine when an unrecoverable error is encountered during recovery processing for the SUSPEND, CANCEL, RESUME, or SRB REDISPATCH functions. This is a queue manager termination reason code.

One of the following conditions was encountered during recovery processing for the requested function:

  • Unable to complete resume processing for an SRB mode execution unit that was suspended at time of error

  • Errors were encountered during primary recovery processing causing entry to the secondary recovery routine

  • Recovery initiated retry to mainline suspend/resume code caused retry recursion entry into the functional recovery routine

  • Unable to obtain or release the cross-memory lock (CML) of the queue manager address space either during mainline processing or during functional recovery processing (for example, reason code X'00E50052')

System Action:

The queue manager is terminated. This reason code is associated with a X'6C6' completion code indicating that synchronization services was responsible for termination.

System Programmer Response:

Restart the queue manager.

Scan the system log and the contents of SYS1.LOGREC for MQ errors occurring immediately before the system termination message CSQV086E. Follow the problem determination procedures for the specific errors. If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination and contact your IBM support center.


The synchronization services functional recovery routine was unable to successfully complete resume processing for a suspended TCB mode execution unit. The resume processing was requested by the CANCEL or RESUME functions.

System Action:

Because the suspended TCB mode execution unit must not be permitted to remain in a suspended state, the recovery routine invokes the z/OS CALLRTM (TYPE=ABTERM) service to end the execution unit abnormally with a X'6C6' completion code. Depending upon which execution unit was terminated, the queue manager might be ended abnormally.

System Programmer Response:

Restart the queue manager if necessary.

Scan the system log and the contents of SYS1.LOGREC for MQ errors occurring immediately before the end of the execution unit. Follow the problem determination procedures for the specific errors. If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination and contact your IBM support center.


An internal error has occurred.

System Action:

If the module detecting the error is CSQVSDC0, it will be retried once. If validation is unsuccessful, the queue manager is terminated abnormally with a X'00E50054' reason code.

A SYS1.LOGREC entry and an SVC dump are requested.

System Programmer Response:

Restart the queue manager.

Collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination and contact your IBM support center.


An internal error has occurred.

System Action:

The allied task is ended abnormally.

System Programmer Response:

Collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination and contact your IBM support center.


An internal error has occurred.

System Action:

The task is ended abnormally.

System Programmer Response:

Collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination and contact your IBM support center.


An internal error has occurred.

System Action:

The execution unit is ended abnormally.

System Programmer Response:

Collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination and contact your IBM support center.


This reason code is issued during recovery processing for the suspend function when executing in SRB mode under the recovery routine established by the z/OS SRBSTAT(SAVE) service. Because the recovery routine established by this service is the only routine in the FRR stack at the time of error, normal RTM percolation to the invoking resource manager recovery routine is not possible.

After recovery processing for the initial error has successfully completed, the RTM environment is exited through retry to a routine that restores the original FRR stack. This routine terminates abnormally with completion code X'5C6' and this reason code. This causes entry into the original recovery routine established during suspend initialization.

System Action:

After this is intercepted by the original suspend recovery routine, a SYS1.LOGREC entry and SVC dump are requested to document the original error. The original recovery reason code is placed in the SDWACOMU field of the SDWA indicating the actions performed during recovery processing of the initial error. Control is then returned to the invoking resource manager's recovery routine through RTM percolation.

System Programmer Response:

Because this is used only to permit the transfer of the initial recovery reason code to the invoking resource manager's recovery routine, no further recovery actions are required for this reason code. Diagnostic information for the initial error encountered can be obtained through the SYS1.LOGREC and SVC dump materials provided.


To enable an internal task to terminate itself, the task has ended abnormally. This is not necessarily an error.

System Action:

The task is ended abnormally.

If the service task is ended abnormally with a completion code of X'6C6', no SVC dump is taken.

System Programmer Response:

The error should be ignored if it happens in isolation, however, if it occurs in conjunction with other problems, these problems should be resolved.

If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination and contact your IBM support center.


An internal error has occurred.

System Action:

The internal task is ended abnormally.

System Programmer Response:

Collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination and contact your IBM support center.


An internal error has occurred.

System Action:

The queue manager is ended abnormally.

System Programmer Response:

Restart the queue manager.

Collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination and contact your IBM support center.


An internal error has occurred.

System Action:

The current execution unit is ended abnormally. A record is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested.

System Programmer Response:

Collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination and contact your IBM support center.


This reason code is issued in response to a nonzero return code from ATTACH during an attempt to create an internal task.

System Action:

The ATTACH is retried. A record is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested. If a problem occurs again, the queue manager is terminated.

System Programmer Response:

Restart the queue manager if necessary.

Register 2, in the SDWA, contains the return code from the ATTACH request. If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination and contact your IBM support center.

00E50075, 00E50076, 00E50077, 00E50078

An internal error has occurred.

System Action:

The requesting execution unit is terminated. The queue manager might also be terminated. A record is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested.

System Programmer Response:

Restart the queue manager if necessary.

Collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination and contact your IBM support center.


An internal error has occurred. This can occur if the allied address space is undergoing termination.

System Action:

The requesting execution unit is ended abnormally. A record is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested.

System Programmer Response:

If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination and contact your IBM support center.

00E50080, 00E50081

An internal error has occurred.

System Action:

An SVC dump is requested specifying a completion code of X'5C6' and this reason code. No record is written to SYS1.LOGREC. Execution continues.

System Programmer Response:

Collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination and contact your IBM support center.

00E50094, 00E50095, 00E50096, 00E50097, 00E50100

An internal error has occurred.

System Action:

The requesting recovery routine is ended abnormally. A record is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested.

System Programmer Response:

Collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination and contact your IBM support center.


MQ was unable to establish an ESTAE.

System Action:

The error is passed on to a subsystem support subcomponent (SSS) ESTAE. Probably, the queue manager is ended abnormally. A record is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested.

System Programmer Response:

The inability to establish an ESTAE is normally due to insufficient free space in the local system queue area (LSQA) for an ESTAE control block (SCB). If necessary, increase the size of the queue manager address space.

Restart the queue manager.

Review the associated SVC dump for usage and free areas in the LSQA subpools belonging to the system services address space. If you are unable to solve the problem, collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination and contact your IBM support center.


An unrecoverable error occurred while canceling all active agents during processing of the STOP QMGR MODE(FORCE) command. This is a queue manager termination reason code.

System Action:

The queue manager is ended abnormally. A record is written to SYS1.LOGREC.

System Programmer Response:

Restart the queue manager.

You might find the items listed in Agent services problem determination useful in resolving the problem. Review the SYS1.LOGREC entries for errors immediately preceding queue manager termination.


A z/OS LOCAL or CML lock could not be obtained during queue manager abnormal termination processing.

System Action:

The execution unit is ended abnormally. The error is recorded on SYS1.LOGREC, and abnormal queue manager termination is completed under a different execution unit if possible.

System Programmer Response:

Restart the queue manager if necessary.

You might find the items listed in Agent services problem determination useful in resolving the problem.


A z/OS LOCAL or CML lock could not be released during queue manager abnormal termination processing.

System Action:

The execution unit is ended abnormally. The error is recorded on SYS1.LOGREC. Queue manager termination is completed under a different execution unit if possible.

System Programmer Response:

Restart the queue manager.

You might find the items listed in Agent services problem determination useful in resolving the problem.


A z/OS LOCAL lock could not be obtained during queue manager abnormal termination processing.

System Action:

The execution unit is ended abnormally. The error is recorded on SYS1.LOGREC, and abnormal queue manager termination is completed under a different execution unit if possible.

System Programmer Response:

Restart the queue manager.

You might find the items listed in Agent services problem determination useful in resolving the problem.


A z/OS LOCAL lock could not be released during queue manager abnormal termination processing.

System Action:

The execution unit is ended abnormally. The error is recorded on SYS1.LOGREC, and abnormal queue manager termination is completed under a different execution unit if possible.

System Programmer Response:

Restart the queue manager.

You might find the items listed in Agent services problem determination useful in resolving the problem.


This reason code is used to define the format of the information recorded in the SDWA variable recording area (VRA) by the queue manager termination processor. The code identifies additional information provided in the VRA for errors encountered in module CSQVATRM.

System Action:

Recording of the error encountered during queue manager termination continues.

System Programmer Response:



This reason code is used to define the format of the information recorded in the SDWA variable recording area (VRA). The code identifies additional information provided in the VRA for errors encountered in module CSQVATR4.

System Action:

Recording of the error encountered during queue manager termination continues.

System Programmer Response:



A problem occurred during Commit Phase-1. This is used to effect backout, deallocation, and end-UR processing.

System Action:

The queue manager is ended abnormally. A record is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested.

System Programmer Response:

Restart the queue manager.

If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination and contact your IBM support center.


An error occurred while processing in SRB mode which could not be recovered. This error usually occurs because the log data sets have been reformatted, without reformatting the page sets (so they still contain active data).

System Action:

The queue manager is ended abnormally with this reason code. An SVC dump of the original error was requested by the recovery routine for CSQVEUS2 and a record written to SYS1.LOGREC.

System Programmer Response:

Restart the queue manager.

Scan the SYS1.LOGREC entries looking for one or more MQ errors immediately prior to the queue manager termination.


This queue manager termination reason code is used following an error while attempting to resume a suspended execution unit. The successful completion of resume processing was 'indoubt'.

System Action:

The queue manager is ended abnormally. A record is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested.

System Programmer Response:

Restart the queue manager.

You might find the items listed in Agent services problem determination useful in resolving the problem.


An internal error has occurred.

System Action:

The queue manager is terminated with this reason code. Additionally, if no SDWA was provided to the recovery routine, a dump is requested.

System Programmer Response:

Restart the queue manager.

Scan the SYS1.LOGREC entries looking for one or more MQ errors immediately prior to the queue manager termination. If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination and contact your IBM support center.


An internal error has occurred.

System Action:

The queue manager is ended abnormally.

System Programmer Response:

Restart the queue manager.

Collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination and contact your IBM support center.


An internal error has occurred.

System Action:

The queue manager is terminated with this reason code. Additionally, if no SDWA was provided to the recovery routine, a dump is requested. A record is written to SYS1.LOGREC.

System Programmer Response:

Restart the queue manager.

Scan the SYS1.LOGREC entries looking for one or more MQ errors immediately prior to the queue manager termination. If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination and contact your IBM support center.


An ESTAE could not be established.

System Action:

The queue manager is ended abnormally. A record is written to SYS1.LOGREC.

System Programmer Response:

Review the usage and the free areas in the LSQA subpool of the queue manager address space. If necessary, increase the private area size of the address space.

Restart the queue manager.

If queue manager termination was requested by module CSQVRCT, a standard SVC dump was requested. If insufficient private storage is the cause of the problem, other MQ resource managers might have ended abnormally.

If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination and contact your IBM support center.


An error occurred while connecting an allied agent to the queue manager address space. The connection must complete so that the allied agent can be terminated.

System Action:

The queue manager is terminated with this reason code. An SVC dump of the original error was requested and a record entered into SYS1.LOGREC.

System Programmer Response:

Restart the queue manager.

Scan the SYS1.LOGREC entries looking for one or more MQ errors immediately prior to the queue manager termination.


An internal error has occurred.

System Action:

The queue manager is ended abnormally.

System Programmer Response:

Restart the queue manager.

Scan the SYS1.LOGREC entries for one or more MQ errors occurring immediately prior to the queue manager termination. If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination and contact your IBM support center.


An internal error has occurred.

System Action:

The queue manager is terminated with this reason code. An SVC dump of the original error was requested and a record entered into SYS1.LOGREC.

System Programmer Response:

Restart the queue manager.

Scan the SYS1.LOGREC entries looking for one or more MQ errors immediately prior to the queue manager termination. If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination and contact your IBM support center.


An internal error has occurred.

System Action:

The queue manager is terminated with this reason code. An SVC dump of the original error was requested and a record entered into SYS1.LOGREC.

System Programmer Response:

Restart the queue manager.

Scan the SYS1.LOGREC entries looking for one or more MQ errors immediately prior to the queue manager termination. If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination and contact your IBM support center.


An error occurred in a latch manager function attempting to terminate the holder of an MQ latch. The holder's task has been set nondispatchable by z/OS and a CALLRTM to terminate this task was unsuccessful.

System Action:

The queue manager is terminated with this reason code. An SVC dump of the error is requested and a record entered into SYS1.LOGREC. Register 3 at time of error contains the latch-holder's TCB address in the home address space and register 4 contains the return code from CALLRTM.

System Programmer Response:

Restart the queue manager.

You might find the items listed in Agent services problem determination useful in resolving the problem. Scan the SYS1.LOGREC entries for one or more MQ errors immediately prior to the queue manager termination.


An internal error has occurred.

System Action:

The queue manager is ended abnormally. An SVC dump is requested by the queue manager termination processor and a record is written to SYS1.LOGREC.

System Programmer Response:

Restart the queue manager.

Scan the SYS1.LOGREC entries for one or more MQ errors occurring immediately prior to the queue manager termination. It might be necessary to analyze the SVC dump requested. If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination and contact your IBM support center.


Queue manager termination was requested following an unrecoverable error in an SRB mode execution unit.

System Action:

The SRB-related task was ended abnormally as a result of SRB to TCB percolation. The queue manager is ended abnormally.

System Programmer Response:

Restart the queue manager.

You might find the items listed in Agent services problem determination useful in resolving the problem. Scan the SYS1.LOGREC entries for one or more MQ errors occurring immediately prior to the queue manager termination.


An internal error has occurred.

System Action:

The queue manager is ended abnormally.

System Programmer Response:

Restart the queue manager.

Scan the SYS1.LOGREC entries for one or more MQ errors occurring immediately prior to the queue manager termination. If an error preceded the queue manager termination request, diagnostic information can be obtained through SYS1.LOGREC and SVC dump materials. If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination and contact your IBM support center.


An internal error has occurred.

System Action:

The queue manager is ended abnormally.

System Programmer Response:

Restart the queue manager.

Scan the SYS1.LOGREC entries for one or more MQ errors occurring immediately prior to the queue manager termination. If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination and contact your IBM support center.


Queue manager termination was requested because of an unrecovered error in a scheduled SRB-mode execution unit.

System Action:

The SRB-related task was ended abnormally, due to SRB to TCB percolation. The queue manager is ended abnormally.

System Programmer Response:

Restart the queue manager.

You might find the items listed in Agent services problem determination useful in resolving the problem. Scan the SYS1.LOGREC entries for one or more MQ errors occurring immediately prior to the queue manager termination. If necessary, analyze the SVC dump requested by queue manager termination.


A secondary error occurred during agent services functional recovery processing. This is a queue manager termination reason code.

System Action:

The queue manager is ended abnormally.

System Programmer Response:

Restart the queue manager.

You might find the items listed in Agent services problem determination useful in resolving the problem. Scan the SYS1.LOGREC entries for one or more MQ errors occurring immediately prior to the queue manager termination.


Agent services problem determination

Collect the following diagnostic items:

  • A description of the action(s) that led to the error, or if applicable, a listing of the application program, or the input string to a utility program, being run at the time of the error

  • Console output for the period leading up to the error

  • Queue manager job log

  • System dump, if any

  • Printout of SYS1.LOGREC

  • The WebSphere MQ, z/OS, DB2, CICS, and IMS service levels