- Messages
- About this book
- UNIX systems
- Who this book is for
- How to use this book
- Summary of changes
- Finding and reading a message
- Finding a message
- Reading a message
- Message information
- Message variables
- 4000-4999 - User interface messages (WebSphere MQ for Windows and Linux systems)
- WebSphere MQ Explorer messages
- Other user interface messages
- 4200-4217 - WebSphere MQ Default Configuration
- 4235-4238 - Prepare WebSphere MQ Wizard
- 4250-4274 - 'Postcard' messages
- 4300-4309 - WebSphere MQ API Exerciser
- 4350-4764 - Installation messages
- 5000-5999 - Installable services
- 6000-6999 - Common services
- 7000-7999 - WebSphere MQ product
- 8000-8999 - Administration
- 9000-9999 - Remote
- API completion and reason codes
- Completion codes
- Reason codes
- Reason code list
- Reason code cross reference
- PCF reason codes
- Reason codes
- Reason code cross reference
- Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) return codes
- Appendix. Notices
- Trademarks