Completion codes

The following is a list of the completion codes (MQCC) returned by WebSphere MQ

0: Successful completion (MQCC_OK)

The call completed fully; all output parameters have been set.

The Reason parameter always has the value MQRC_NONE in this case.

1: Warning (partial completion) (MQCC_WARNING)

The call completed partially. Some output parameters might have been set in addition to the CompCode and Reason output parameters.

The Reason parameter gives additional information.

2: Call failed (MQCC_FAILED)

The processing of the call did not complete, and the state of the queue manager is normally unchanged; exceptions are specifically noted. Only the CompCode and Reason output parameters have been set; all other parameters are unchanged.

The reason might be a fault in the application program, or it might be a result of some situation external to the program, for example the application's authority might have been revoked. The Reason parameter gives additional information.