These parameters might be included in publisher and subscriber information messages sent by the broker. Table 5 summarizes the parameters that are used for each metatopic.
- SubName (MQCFST)
- Subscription Name (parameter identifier: MQCACF_SUBSCRIPTION_NAME).
Name of the subscription for which this information applies.
- SubIdentity (MQCFST)
- Subscription identity (parameter identifier: MQCACF_SUBSCRIPTION_IDENTITY).
Identity registered to this subscription for which this information applies. Can be repeated.
- SubUserData (MQCFST)
- Subscription user data (parameter identifier: MQCACF_SUBSCRIPTION_USER_DATA).
User data of the subscription for which this information applies.
- StreamName (MQCFST)
- Stream Name (parameter identifier: MQCACF_STREAM_NAME).
Name of the stream for which this information applies.
- Topic (MQCFST)
- Topic (parameter identifier: MQCACF_TOPIC).
The metatopic under which this publication is published. These are listed in Metatopics.
- PublishTimestamp (MQCFST)
- Time this Publish message was generated (parameter identifier: MQCACF_PUBLISH_TIMESTAMP).
This is of length 16 characters, in the formatYYYYMMDDHHMMSSTH, using Universal Time.
- BrokerCount (MQCFIN)
- Number of broker publishers or subscribers (parameter identifier: MQIACF_BROKER_COUNT).
Count of publisher or subscriber registrations from brokers, for the specified topic if this is a 'MQ/QMgrName/.../Topic' message.
For publishers, this count is normally zero, because brokers do not register as publishers. The role of a broker in acting as a publisher itself for metatopics on stream queues is not counted, nor is its role as a publisher for administrative topics on the SYSTEM.BROKER.ADMIN.STREAM stream.
- ApplCount (MQCFIN)
- Number of application publishers or subscribers (parameter identifier: MQIACF_APPL_COUNT).
Count of publisher or subscriber registrations from applications, for the specified topic if this is a 'MQ/S/QMgrName/.../Topic' or 'MQ/SA/QMgrName/.../Topic' message. 'MQ/SA/QMgrName/.../Topic' includes anonymous registrations.
- AnonymousCount (MQCFIN)
- Number of anonymous publishers or subscribers (parameter identifier: MQIACF_ANONYMOUS_COUNT).
Count of anonymous publisher or subscriber registrations from applications, for the specified topic if this is a 'MQ/SA/QMgrName/.../Topic' message.
- RegistrationTopic (MQCFST)
- Topic (parameter identifier: MQCACF_REG_TOPIC).
A topic for which at least one publisher or subscriber is registered. Wild cards are not present for publishers, but might be for subscribers.
This parameter is repeated for as many topics as necessary for 'MQ/S/QMgrName/Publishers/Topics' and 'MQ/S/QMgrName/Subscribers/Topics' messages. Each topic is present only once, even if there are several publishers or subscribers registered for the same topic.
- RegistrationQMgrName (MQCFST)
- Publisher's or subscriber's queue manager name (parameter identifier: MQCACF_REG_Q_MGR_NAME).
- RegistrationQName (MQCFST)
- Publisher's or subscriber's queue name (parameter identifier: MQCACF_REG_Q_NAME).
- RegistrationCorrelId (MQCFST)
- Publisher's or subscriber's correlation identifier (parameter identifier: MQCACF_REG_CORREL_ID).
This is a 48-byte character string of hexadecimal characters representing the contents of the 24-byte binary correlation identifier. Each character in the string is in the range 0 through 9 or A through F.
This parameter is present only if the publisher's or subscriber's identity includes a correlation identifier.
- RegistrationUserIdentifier (MQCFST)
- Publisher's or subscriber's user ID (parameter identifier: MQCACF_REG_USER_ID).
- RegistrationRegistrationOptions (MQCFST)
- Publisher's or subscriber's registration options (parameter identifier: MQIACF_REG_REG_OPTIONS).
RegistrationOptions parameter as specified (or defaulted) by the publisher or subscriber when it registered.
- RegistrationTime (MQCFST)
- Registration time (parameter identifier: MQCACF_REG_TIME).
This is of length 16 characters, in the formatYYYYMMDDHHMMSSTH, using Universal Time.