Message format for metatopics
These messages are sent as Publish messages in PCF format with MQPUBO_RETAIN_PUBLICATION (for ongoing subscriptions registered with Register Subscriber). In these messages, Command is MQCMD_PUBLISH, and Type is MQCFT_COMMAND.
The following table summarizes which parameters are included for which metatopics. An explanation of each parameter follows the table.
Table 5. Parameters for publisher and subscriber information messages Topics Summary Summary /<Topic> Identities 1 Identities /<Topic> 1 Number of messages sent 1 1 1 for each topic 1 1 for each topic StreamName Y Y Y Y Y Topic Y Y Y Y Y PublishTimestamp Y Y Y Y Y BrokerCount Y Y Y Y Y ApplCount Y Y Y Y Y AnonymousCount Y Y Y Y Y RegistrationTopic Y 2 N N 3 N N 3 RegistrationQMgrName N N N Y Y RegistrationQName N N N Y Y RegistrationCorrelId N N N Y Y RegistrationUserIdentifier N N N Y Y RegistrationRegistrationOptions N N N N Y RegistrationTime N N N N Y RegistrationSubName N N N N Y RegistrationSubUserData N N N N Y RegistrationSubIdentity N N N N Y 4 Notes:
- 'AllIdentities' subscriptions are the same except that they include anonymous as well as non-anonymous publishers and subscribers.
- Repeated for each registered topic.
- Topic parameter contains the registered topic.
- Repeated.