### wpconfig.properties ### ### WebSphere Portal 5.1 configuration file ### ### key = value ### ### Do NOT enclose any value in quotes! ### ### Windows paths must use '/', not '\'. ### Windows long paths are OK. ### ### Properties are immutable. Once set, they cannot be overriden. ### ### Precedence is as follows... ### ### 1. Properties set on command line are read first ### 2. Properties set in properties file are read next ### 3. Properties set in build file are read last ### ### Save Parent Properties ### ### Upon successful execution of task using properties from a parent file (parentProperties), ### copy properties into the main configuration properties file SaveParentProperties=True ### ### WAS Properties - BEGIN ### ### WAS virtual host VirtualHostName=default_host ### WAS administration server (server1) WasAdminServer=server1 ### Directory where WAS product files are installed WasHome=C:/WEBSPH~1/APPSER~1 ### Directory where WAS user data is created WasUserHome=C:/WEBSPH~1/APPSER~1 ### User ID for WAS security authentication ### ### For WMMUR DB WasUserid=<wpsbind> ### ### LDAP examples: ### ### IBM Directory Server: { uid=wpsbind,cn=users,dc=yourco,dc=com } ### Domino: { cn=wpsbind,o=yourco.com } ### Active Directory: { cn=wpsbind,cn=users,dc=yourco,dc=com } ### SunOne: { uid=wpsbind,ou=people,o=yourco.com } ### Novell eDirectory { uid=wpsbind,ou=people,o=yourco.com } WasUserid=ReplaceWithYourWASUserId ### Password for WAS security authentication (LDAP and CUR) WasPassword=ReplaceWithYourWASUserPwd ### Directory where WebSphere Portal is installed WpsInstallLocation=C:/WEBSPH~1/PORTAL~1 ### Key required if the configuration runs in a clustered environment. ### ### true: Master node ### false: Not the master node ### ### Please be careful of changing this property. ### PrimaryNode=true ### WAS Cell CellName=www ### WAS Node NodeName=www ### Name of appserver for WebSphere Portal ServerName=WebSphere_Portal ### **Required for z/OS only** ### Server's jobname, as specified in the MVS ### START command JOBNAME parameter. ### This value is also passed as a parameter to the ### server's start procedures to specify the location of ### the server's configuration files and identify the server to certain ### ### WebSphere for z/OS- exploited z/OS facilities (for example, SAF). ### The name must be 7 or fewer characters and all uppercase. ServerShortName=BBOS002 ### **Required for z/OS only** ### WLM APPLENV (application environment) name for this server. ### ### The name must be 8 or fewer characters and all uppercase. ClusterTransitionName=BBOC002 ### WebSphere Portal host and port ### ### For example: ### ### http://<WpsHostName>:<WpsHostPort>/<WpsContextRoot>/<WpsDefaultHome> ### http://localhost:80/wps/portal WpsHostName=www.setgetweb.com WpsHostPort=9081 ### SOAP port used by WebSphere Portal Server ### This property may not be used to reconfigure the SOAP port. WpsSoapPort=8882 ### Port used by WebSphere Admin Console deployed on WebSphere Portal Server ### ### This property may not be used to reconfigure the WpsAdminConsolePort. ### ### http://<WpsHostName>:<WpsAdminConsolePort>/admin ### http://localhost:9091/admin WpsAdminConsolePort= ### WebSphere Portal application name WpsAppName=wps ### WebSphere Portal context root ### ### http://<WpsHostName>:<WpsHostPort>/<WpsContextRoot>/<WpsDefaultHome> ### http://localhost:80/wps/portal WpsContextRoot=wps ### Context root for Web Services for Remote Portlets WsrpContextRoot=wsrp ### WebSphere Portal default home ### ### http://<WpsHostName>:<WpsHostPort>/<WpsContextRoot>/<WpsDefaultHome> ### http://localhost:80/wps/portal WpsDefaultHome=portal ### WebSphere Portal personalized home ### ### http://<WpsHostName>:<WpsHostPort>/<WpsContextRoot>/<WpsPersonalizedHome> ### http://localhost:80/wps/myportal WpsPersonalizedHome=myportal ### HTTP proxy host used by the Content Access Service ContentAccessServiceProxyHost= ### HTTP proxy port used by the Content Access Service ContentAccessServiceProxyPort= ### **Required for z/OS only** ### Library where the ibmzos.jar file resides SMFLibrary= ### Library where the SMF DLLs reside SMFNativeLibrary= ### ### WAS Properties - END ### ################################################################ ################################################################ ### ### Java Properties - BEGIN ### ### Directory where the WAS Java is installed ### ### On z/OS, WAS does not ship its own Java. Therefore, ### set JavaHome to the system Java home, e.g., /usr/lpp/java/J1.3. JavaHome=C:/WebSphere/AppServer/java ### ### Java Properties - END ### ################################################################ ################################################################ ### ### Portal Config Properties - BEGIN ### ### User ID for the WebSphere Portal Administrator ### ### DEV (No security): PortalAdminId=uid=<portaladminid>,o=default organization ### WMMUR DB: PortalAdminId=<portaladminid> ### ### IBM Directory Server: { uid=<portaladminid>,cn=users,dc=yourco,dc=com } ### Domino: { cn=<portaladminid>,o=yourco.com } ### Active Directory: { cn=<portaladminid>,cn=users,dc=yourco,dc=com } ### SunOne: { uid=<portaladminid>,ou=people,o=yourco.com } ### Novell eDirectory { uid=<portaladminid>,ou=people,o=yourco.com } PortalAdminId=uid=wpsadmin,o=default organization ### Short WebSphere Portal admin ID PortalAdminIdShort=wpsadmin ### Password for the WebSphere Portal Administrator PortalAdminPwd=wpsadmin ### Group ID for the WebSphere Portal Administrator group ### ### DEV (No security): PortalAdminGroupId=cn=wpsadmins,o=default organization ### WMMUR DB: PortalAdminGroupId=cn=wpsadmins,o=default organization ### ### IBM Directory Server: { cn=wpsadmins,cn=groups,dc=yourco,dc=com } ### Domino: { cn=wpsadmins } ### Active Directory: { cn=wpsadmins,cn=groups,dc=yourco,dc=com } ### SunOne: { cn=wpsadmins,ou=groups,o=yourco.com } ### Novell eDirectory { cn=wpsadmins,ou=groups,o=yourco.com } PortalAdminGroupId=cn=wpsadmins,o=default organization ### WebSphere Portal admin group ID PortalAdminGroupIdShort=wpsadmins ### 12 hex digits unique to this WebSphere Portal instance. ### Usually a MAC address from a communications adapter on this node PortalUniqueID=02004C4F4F50 ### Whether content management functions are configured. CmConfigured=true ### Group ID for the WebSphere Content Administrator group ### ### DEV (No security): WpsContentAdministrators=cn=wpsContentAdministrators,o=default organization ### WMMUR DB: WpsContentAdministrators=cn=wpsContentAdministrators,o=default organization ### ### IBM Directory Server: { cn=wpsContentAdministrators,cn=groups,dc=yourco,dc=com } ### Domino: { cn=wpsContentAdministrators } ### Active Directory: { cn=wpsContentAdministrators,cn=groups,dc=yourco,dc=com } ### SunOne: { cn=wpsContentAdministrators,ou=groups,o=yourco.com } ### Novell eDirectory { cn=wpsContentAdministrators,ou=groups,o=yourco.com } WpsContentAdministrators=cn=wpsContentAdministrators,o=default organization ### WebSphere Content Administrators group ID WpsContentAdministratorsShort=wpsContentAdministrators ### The group ID for the WebSphere Document Reviewer group ### ### DEV (No security): WpsDocReviewer=cn=wpsDocReviewer,o=default organization ### WMMUR DB: WpsDocReviewer=cn=wpsDocReviewer,o=default organization ### ### IBM Directory Server: { cn=wpsDocReviewer,cn=groups,dc=yourco,dc=com } ### Domino: { cn=wpsDocReviewer } ### Active Directory: { cn=wpsDocReviewer,cn=groups,dc=yourco,dc=com } ### SunOne: { cn=wpsDocReviewer,ou=groups,o=yourco.com } ### Novell eDirectory { cn=wpsDocReviewer,ou=groups,o=yourco.com } WpsDocReviewer=cn=wpsDocReviewer,o=default organization ### WebSphere Document Reviewer group ID WpsDocReviewerShort=wpsDocReviewer ### ### Portal Config Properties - END ### ################################################################################### ################################################################################### ### ### Dependency Checking Properties - BEGIN ### ### Disable/enable dependency rules based validation. ### ### A false value should only be used in order to bypass validation when a valid configuration ### is indicated as invalid. Most of the dependency rules based validation deals with ### checking versions of installed components (for example WAS) ### ### { true | false } ### ### On z/OS, must be set to false. CheckVersions=false ### Specify a location of a unique set of rules to use for dependency rules ### based validation tasks during configuration. ### ### This should very rarely be necessary. However, if you used special rules ### during the installation process and some of the rules need to be used during ### configuration-time validation as well, you would use this property. #DependencyRulesDirectory=path_to_rules_directory ### ### Dependency Checking Properties - END ### ################################################################################### ################################################################################### ### ### Database Properties - BEGIN ### ### Create/initialize/remove databases DbSafeMode=false ### Type of database to be used for WebSphere Portal ### ### DB2: { db2 } ### Oracle: { oracle } ### MS SQL Server: { sqlserver } ### Cloudscape: { cloudscape } ### DB2 for iSeries: { db2_iseries } ### DB2 for z/OS and OS/390: { db2_zos } DbType=cloudscape ### ### WebSphere Portal database ### ### This value should also appear as the database element in DbUrl WpsDbName=wpsdb ### **Required for iSeries only** ### WebSphere Portal database schema name WpsDbSchema=QWPS51 ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only** ### ### If running db2_zos as remote database, the name of the remote ### WebSphere Portal database. ### ### If portal is running on z/OS with db2_zos, must be set equal to WpsDbName. WpsDbNameOnZos=WPSTST02 ### ### Class SqlProcessor will use to import SQL files ### ### cloudscape: { com.ibm.db2j.jdbc.DB2jDriver } ### db2: { COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.app.DB2Driver } ### db2_iseries: { com.ibm.db2.jdbc.app.DB2Driver } ### db2_iseries (remote db): { com.ibm.as400.access.AS400JDBCDriver } ### db2_zos: { com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2Driver } ### db2_zos (remote db): { COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.app.DB2Driver } ### oracle: { oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver } ### sqlserver: { com.microsoft.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver } DbDriver=com.ibm.db2j.jdbc.DB2jDriver ### ### Class SqlProcessor will use to import SQL files via data source ### ### cloudscape: { com.ibm.db2j.jdbc.DB2jXADataSource } ### db2: { COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.DB2XADataSource } ### db2_iseries: { com.ibm.db2.jdbc.app.UDBXADataSource } ### db2_iseries (remote db): { com.ibm.as400.access.AS400JDBCXADataSource } ### db2_zos: { com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2ConnectionPoolDataSource } ### db2_zos (remote db): { COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.DB2XADataSource } ### oracle: { oracle.jdbc.xa.client.OracleXADataSource } ### sqlserver: { com.microsoft.jdbcx.sqlserver.SQLServerDataSource } DbDriverDs=com.ibm.db2j.jdbc.DB2jXADataSource ### Name of jdbc provider to be used JdbcProvider=wpsdbJDBC ### wps database URL ### ### The database element of this value should match the value of WpsDbName ### ### On z/OS, the database element of this value should match the location ### name of the database to be used when establishing connections with ### the DB2 datasource used by WebSphere Portal ### ### cloudscape: { jdbc:db2j:wpsdb;create=true } ### db2: { jdbc:db2:wpsdb } ### db2_iseries: { jdbc:db2:*LOCAL/QWPS51 } ### db2_iseries (remote): { jdbc:as400:<hostName>/QWPS51 } ### db2_zos: { jdbc:db2:<location> } ### db2_zos (remote): { jdbc:db2:wpsdb } ### oracle: { jdbc:oracle:thin:@<DBSERVER>:1521:wpsdb } ### sqlserver: { jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://<DBSERVER>:1433;DatabaseName=wpsdb } DbUrl=jdbc:db2j:wpsdb;create=true ### Database administrator user ID DbUser=db2admin ### Database administrator password DbPassword=ReplaceWithYourDbAdminPwd ### Directory and name of the zip file containing db.driver class ### ### cloudscape <PortalServer>shared/app/cloudscape/db2j.jar ### db2 <SQLLIB>/java/db2java.zip ### db2_iseries /QIBM/ProdData/Java400/ext/db2_classes.jar ### db2_iseries (remote) /QIBM/ProdData/PortalServer5/IBMTrans/lib/jt400.jar ### db2_zos <SQLLIB>/jcc/classes/db2jcc.jar:<SQLLIB>/jcc/classes/db2jcc_license_cisuz.jar:<SQLLIB>/jcc/classes/db2jcc_javax.jar ### db2_zos (remote) <SQLLIB>/java12/db2java.zip ### oracle <Oracle>/jdbc/lib/ojdbc14.jar ### sqlserver <SQLServerJDBC>/lib/mssqlserver.jar;<SQLServerJDBC>/lib/msbase.jar;<SQLServerJDBC>/lib/msutil.jar ### ### Please use the system specific file seperator names, e.g. for windows semicolon and for unix colon. DbLibrary=C:/WebSphere/PortalServer/shared/app/cloudscape/db2j.jar ### The directory of the native DB2 libraries ### **Required for z/OS only** DbNativeLibrary=/usr/lpp/db2/db2710/jcc/lib ### DbSqljProperties: The directory and name of the DB2 JDBC property file ### on z/OS ### **Required for z/OS only** DbSqljProperties=/etc/DB2JccConfiguration.properties ### Datasource to be used for WebSphere Portal WpsDsName=wpsdbDS ### **Required for Non-Windows only** ### TCPIP Alias for the database to be used as ds name WpsXDbName=wps5TCP ### Value is the node for the WebSphere Portal database WpsDbNode=wpsNode ### ### PORTAL INFO SEQUENCE ### ### URL of remost host that provides Document Conversion Services ### DcsRmoteHost=http://myremotehost1:9080/dcs/dcs DcsRemoteHost=http://remotehostname:9080/dcs/dcs ###################################################################### ### ### DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition Database Properties - BEGIN ### ### Name of the WebSphere Portal database for DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition tables ### ### This value should also appear as the database element in JcrDbUrl ### ### For DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only, this setting represents ### the location name of the subsystem for the JCR database on z/OS ** JcrDbName=jcrdb ### DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition database administrator User ID/schema name JcrDbUser=icmadmin ### DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition database administrator password JcrDbPassword=ReplaceWithYourDbAdminPwd ### SQL Server sa password ### **Required when using sqlserver only** JcrDbSaPassword=ReplaceWithYourDbAdminPwd ### DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition database URL ### The database element of this value should match the value of JcrDbName ### cloudscape: { jdbc:db2j:jcrdb;create=true } ### db2: { jdbc:db2:jcrdb } ### db2_iseries: { jdbc:db2:*LOCAL/QWPS51 } ### db2_iseries (remote): { jdbc:as400:<hostName>/QWPS51 } ### db2_zos: { jdbc:db2:jcrdb } ### oracle: { jdbc:oracle:thin:@<DBSERVER>:1521:jcrdb } ### sqlserver: { jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://<DBSERVER>:1433;DatabaseName=jcrdb } JcrDbUrl=jdbc:db2j:jcrdb;create=true ### TCPIP Alias for the database ### Required for Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 only JcrXDbName=jcrdbTCP ### Node for the DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition database ### Required for Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 only JcrDbNode=icmNode ### JDBC provider to be used for DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition JcrJdbcProvider=jcr51JDBC ### Datasource to be used for DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition JcrDsName=JCRDS ### Directory for DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition's dynamic DDL files JcrGeneratedDDLPath=${WpsInstallLocation}/jcr/config/dynamic ### Directory for DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition's binary value files JcrBinaryValueFileDir=${WpsInstallLocation}/jcr/binaryValues ### Debug level for DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition database utilities JcrDebugLevel=2 ### Indicates whether or not the DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition database is unicode. ### ### Y: is unicode ### N: is NOT unicode JcrDbUnicode=Y ### Name of the WebSphere Portal database for DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition ### Required for DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only JcrDbNameOnZos=jcrdbzos ### Hostname (only) of remote system hosting the DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition database ### Required for DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only JcrDbHost=hostname ### JcrDbDomain: Domain (not including hostname) of remote system hosting the DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition database ### Required for DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only JcrDbDomain=yourco.com ### Name of appserver with a configured ### Business Process Container JcrBPCServerName=server1 ### User for the Promote J2C alias JcrJMSJAASUser=ReplaceWithYourJMSUserId ### Password for the Promote J2C alias JcrJMSJAASPassword=ReplaceWithYourJMSPwd ### Type of JMS Provider ### mq: {WebSphere MQ JMS Provider} ### embedded: {WebSphere JMS Provider} JcrJMSType=embedded ### Name of the WebSphere MQ Queue Manager ### This value is not needed for WebSphere Embedded Messaging JcrMQQueueManager= ### ### DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition Database Properties - END ### ###################################################################### ###################################################################### ### ### Personalization Database Properties - BEGIN ### ### Determine how to handle the Personalization Feedback ### database during database transfer from Cloudscape to another DB type. ### Set true to transfer data from Cloudscape; set false to merely redirect the ### Feedback DataSource to a preexisting database. InitializeFeedbackDB=true ### Node for the Feedback database ### **Required for Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 only** PznDbNode=wcmNode ### TCPIP Alias for the database ### Required for Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 only FeedbackXDbName=fdbk5TCP ### Hostname of the feedback database. ### Required for MS SQL Server only FeedbackDbHostName=myserver ### Name of the feedback database. ### This value should also appear as the database element in FeedbackDbUrl FeedbackDbName=wpsdb ### Feedback database schema name (used for iSeries only) FeedbackSchema=FEEDBACK ### Name of the remote Pzn Feedback database FeedbackDbNameOnZos=fdbk5zos ### Name of the feedback database tablespace. ### Required for DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only FeedbackDbTablespace=fdbkdbts ### The database user for feedback database. ### Required for DB2, DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 ** ### For SQL Server and Oracle only, this value MUST be set to FEEDBACK** ### which corresponds to the user FEEDBACK in your SQL Server or Oracle database** FeedbackDbUser=wcmdbadm ### Database password for feedback database. FeedbackDbPassword=wcmdbadm ### The Feedback database URL ### ### The database element of this value should match the value of FeedbackDbName ### ### cloudscape: { jdbc:db2j:fdbkdb;create=true } ### db2: { jdbc:db2:fdbkdb } ### db2_iseries: { jdbc:db2:*LOCAL/QWPS51 } ### db2_iseries (remote): { jdbc:as400:<hostName>/QWPS51 } ### db2_zos: { jdbc:db2:fdbkdb } ### oracle: { jdbc:oracle:thin:@<DBSERVER>:1521:fdbkdb } ### sqlserver: { jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://<DBSERVER>:1433;DatabaseName=fdbkdb } FeedbackDbUrl=jdbc:db2j:wpsdb;create=true ### TCPIP Alias for the database ### Required for Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 only LikemindsXDbName=lmdb5TCP ### Hostname of the Likeminds database. ### Required for MS SQL Server only LikemindsDbHostName=myserver ### Name of the Likeminds database. ### This value should also appear as the database element in LikemindsDbUrl LikemindsDbName=wpsdb ### Name of the remote Feedback Likeminds database ### Required for DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only LikemindsDbNameOnZos=lmdb5zos ### Name of the Likeminds database tablespace. ### Required for DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only LikemindsDbTablespace=lmdbts ### The database user for Likeminds database. ### Required for DB2, DB2 for z/OS and OS/390** LikemindsDbUser=wcmdbadm ### The database password for Likeminds database. LikemindsDbPassword LikemindsDbPassword=wcmdbadm ### The Likeminds database URL ### ### The database element of this value should match the value of LikemindsDbName ### cloudscape: { jdbc:db2j:lmdb;create=true } ### db2: { jdbc:db2:lmdb } ### db2_iseries: { jdbc:db2:*LOCAL/QWPS51 } ### db2_iseries (remote): { jdbc:as400:<hostName>/QWPS51 } ### db2_zos: { jdbc:db2:lmdb } ### oracle: { jdbc:oracle:thin:@<DBSERVER>:1521:lmdb } ### sqlserver: { jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://<DBSERVER>:1433;DatabaseName=lmdb } LikemindsDbUrl=jdbc:db2j:wpsdb;create=true ### ### Personalization Database Properties - END ### ###################################################################### ###################################################################### ### ### WMM Properties - BEGIN ### ### Name of datasource to be used for WMM WmmDsName=wmmDS ### The WMM application name WmmAppName=wmmApp ### Name of the WebSphere Portal database ### This value should also appear as the database element in WmmDbUrl WmmDbName=wpsdb ### The WMM database schema name ### Required for iSeries only WmmDbSchema=QWMMDB ### If running db2_zos as remote database, the name of the remote ### WMM database. ### If portal is running on z/OS with db2_zos, must be set equal to WmmDbName. ### Required for DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only WmmDbNameOnZos=WPSTST01 ### The database administrator user ID WmmDbUser=db2admin ### The database administrator password WmmDbPassword=ReplaceWithYourDbAdminPwd ### The database URL ### The database element of this value should match the value of WmmDbName ### on z/OS, the database element of this value should match the location ### name of the database to be used when establishing connections with ### the DB2 datasource used by WebSphere Portal ### cloudscape: { jdbc:db2j:wpsdb;create=true } ### db2: { jdbc:db2:wpsdb } ### db2_iseries: { jdbc:db2:*LOCAL/QWPS51 } ### db2_iseries (remote): { jdbc:as400:<hostName>/QWPS51 } ### db2_zos: { jdbc:db2:<location> } ### db2_zos (remote): { jdbc:db2:wpsdb } ### oracle: { jdbc:oracle:thin:@<DBSERVER>:1521:wpsdb } ### sqlserver: { jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://<DBSERVER>:1433;DatabaseName=wpsdb } WmmDbUrl=jdbc:db2j:wpsdb;create=true ### The name of the ejb WmmEjbName=ejb/MemberServiceHome ### ### WMM Properties - END ### ####################################################################### ####################################################################### ### ### IBM Lotus Workplace Web Content Management (WCM) Properties - BEGIN ### ### Encoding to use when storing WCM data. ### Defaults to UTF-8. WcmEncoding=UTF-8 ### Type of repository being used for WCM manager: { JDBC (default) | CM } ### DB transfer of WCM is only supported on JDBC type WcmMgrPersistence=JDBC ### Type of repository being used for WCM resource: { JDBC (default) | CM } ### DB transfer of WCM is only supported on JDBC type WcmResPersistence=JDBC ### Database table which will be created to manage objects. ### Default value AJPE WcmTable=AJPE ### The database table which will be created to manage resources. ### Default value AJPE_RESOURCES WcmResourceTable=AJPE_RESOURCES ### Number of items to read ahead when reading all items for index recreation. WcmReadAhead=50 ### WcmResourceMaxSize: the maximum size of a resource in MB that can be ### stored within the jdbc database WcmResourceMaxSize=10 ### Type of database to be used for WCM ### ### DB2: { db2 } ### Oracle: { oracle } ### MS SQL Server: { sqlserver } ### Cloudscape: { cloudscape } ### DB2 for iSeries: { db2_iseries } ### DB2 for z/OS and OS/390: { db2_zos } WcmDbType=cloudscape ### Name of the WCM database. WcmDbName=WCMDB ### **Required for z/OS and iSeries only** ### ### WCM database schema name. ### set to any valid DB2 schema name WcmDbSchema=QWCMDB ### WCM database administrator user ID WcmDbUser=APP ### WCM database administrator password WcmDbPassword=wpsadmin ### WCM admin group ID WcmAdminGroupIdShort=wcmadmins ### WCM database URL ### ### The database element of this value should match the value of WcmDbName ### on z/OS, the database element of this value should match the location ### name of the database to be used when establishing connections with ### the DB2 datasource used by WCM ### on Cloudscape for Windows, the path in the WcmDbUrl must not include spaces. ### ### Always use the short path for Windows. ### ### cloudscape: { jdbc:db2j:C:/path/to/WCMDB } ### db2: { jdbc:db2:WCMDB } ### db2_iseries: { jdbc:db2:*LOCAL/QWCMDB } ### db2_iseries (remote): { jdbc:as400:<hostName>/QWCMDB } ### db2_zos: { jdbc:db2:<location> } ### db2_zos (remote db): { jdbc:db2://<server address>:<port>/<location> } ### oracle: { jdbc:oracle:thin:@<DBSERVER>:1521:WCMDB } ### sqlserver: { jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://hostname:1433;User=wcmuser;Password=password;SelectMethod=cursor;DatabaseName=WCMDB } WcmDbUrl=jdbc:db2j:C:/WebSphere/PortalServer/wcm/ilwwcm/db/WCMDB ### Location of the ILWWCM 2.0 filesystem data directory to transfer ### This value is only used when migrating from 2.0 filesystem. WcmFileSystemDataLocation= ### Name of class SqlProcessor will use to import SQL files, also known as "JDBC provider" ### ### cloudscape: { com.ibm.db2j.jdbc.DB2jDriver } ### db2: { COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.app.DB2Driver } ### db2_iseries: { com.ibm.db2.jdbc.app.DB2Driver } ### db2_iseries (remote db): { com.ibm.as400.access.AS400JDBCDriver } ### db2_zos: { com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2Driver } ### db2_zos (remote db): {com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2Driver } ### oracle: { oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver } ### sqlserver: { com.microsoft.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver } WcmDbDriver=com.ibm.db2j.jdbc.DB2jDriver ### WcmDbDriverDs: The name of class SqlProcessor will use to import SQL files via data source ### db2_zos: { com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2ConnectionPoolDataSource } ### db2_zos (remote db): { com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2ConnectionPoolDataSource } WcmDbDriverDs=com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2ConnectionPoolDataSource ### The name of datasource to be used for WCM ### Required for z/OS only WcmDsName=wcmDS ### **Required for z/OS only** ### Name of WCM jdbc provider to be used WcmJdbcProvider=wcmJDBC ### Directory and name of the zip file containing db.driver class ### ### cloudscape <PortalServer>shared/app/cloudscape/db2j.jar ### db2 <SQLLIB>/java/db2java.zip ### db2_iseries /QIBM/ProdData/Java400/ext/db2_classes.jar ### db2_iseries (remote) /QIBM/ProdData/PortalServer5/IBMTrans/lib/jt400.jar ### db2_zos <SQLLIB>/jcc/classes/db2jcc.jar:<SQLLIB>/jcc/classes/db2jcc_license_cisuz.jar:<SQLLIB>/jcc/classes/db2jcc_javax.jar ### db2_zos (remote db) <SQLLIB>/java/classes/db2jcc.jar:<SQLLIB>/java/classes/db2jcc_license_cisuz.jar ### oracle <Oracle>/jdbc/lib/ojdbc14.jar ### sqlserver <SQLServerJDBC>/lib/mssqlserver.jar;<SQLServerJDBC>/lib/msbase.jar;<SQLServerJDBC>/lib/msutil.jar ### ### Please use the system specific file seperator names, e.g. for windows semicolon and for unix colon. WcmDbLibrary=C:/WebSphere/PortalServer/shared/app/cloudscape/db2j.jar ### **Required for z/OS only** ### Directory of the native DB2 libraries WcmDbNativeLibrary=/usr/lpp/db2/db2710/jcc/lib ### **Required for z/OS only** ### Directory and name of the DB2 JDBC property file ### on z/OS WcmDbSqljProperties=/etc/DB2JccConfiguration.properties ### **Required for z/OS only** ### Default CLOB size for maximum allowed CLOB. WcmMaxClobSize=500k ### **Required for z/OS only** ### Default CLOB size for most common CLOB size. WcmSmallClobSize=100k ### **Required for z/OS only** ### Default BLOB size for maximum allowed BLOB. WcmResourceMaxBlobSize=10M ### **Required for z/OS only** ### Default BLOB size for most common BLOB size. WcmResourceSmallBlobSize=100k ### **Required for z/OS only** ### Small CLOB table name. ### Default value AJPE_SMA WcmSmallTable=AJPE_SMA ### **Required for z/OS only** ### Small BLOB table name. ### Default value AJPE_SMA_RESOURCES WcmResourceSmallTable=AJPE_SMA_RESOURCES ### **Required for z/OS only** ### AJPE lob table. ### Default value AJPE_X WcmLobTable=AJPE_X ### **Required for z/OS only** ### AJPE small lob table. ### Default value AJPE_SMA_X WcmLobSmallTable=AJPE_SMA_X ### **Required for z/OS only** ### AJPE resources lob table. ### Default value AJPE_RESOURCES_X WcmLobResourceTable=AJPE_RESOURCES_X ### **Required for z/OS only** ### AJPE small resources lob table. ### Default value AJPE_SMA_RES_X WcmLobResourceSmallTable= AJPE_SMA_RES_X ### **Required for z/OS only** ### Tablespace names for WCM tables ### ### WcmTableSpaceNameSmallClobs: tablespace name for WcmSmallTable (i.e. AJPE_SMA) ### WcmTableSpaceNameLargeClobs: tablespace name for WcmTable (i.e. AJPE) ### WcmTableSpaceNameSmallBlobs: tablespace name for WcmResourceSmallTable (i.e. AJPE_SMA_RESOURCES) ### WcmTableSpaceNameLargeBlobs: tablespace name for WcmResourceTable (i.e. AJPE_RESOURCES) ### WcmLobTableSpaceNameSmallClobs: lob tablespace name for WcmLobSmallTable (i.e. AJPE_SMA_X) ### WcmLobTableSpaceNameLargeClobs: lob tablespace name for WcmLobTable (i.e. AJPE_X) ### WcmLobTableSpaceNameSmallBlobs: lob tablespace name for WcmLobResourceSmallTable (i.e. AJPE_SMA_RES_X) ### WcmLobTableSpaceNameLargeBlobs: lob tablespace name for WcmLobResourceTable (i.e. AJPE_RESOURCES_X) WcmTableSpaceNameSmallClobs=WCMSC WcmTableSpaceNameLargeClobs=WCMLC WcmTableSpaceNameSmallBlobs=WCMSB WcmTableSpaceNameLargeBlobs=WCMLB WcmLobTableSpaceNameSmallClobs=WCMLOBSC WcmLobTableSpaceNameLargeClobs=WCMLOBLC WcmLobTableSpaceNameSmallBlobs=WCMLOBSB WcmLobTableSpaceNameLargeBlobs=WCMLOBLB ### Server name of the IBM Content Manager Server WcmCmServer= ### WCM IBM Content Manager Server administrator user ID WcmCmUser=ReplaceWithYourCmAdminUser ### WCM IBM Content Manager Server administrator password WcmCmPassword=ReplaceWithYourCmAdminPwd ### ** Optional ** ### Schema name of the CM database WcmCmSchema= ### ### WCM Properties - END ### ###################################################################### ###################################################################### ### ### ### Lotus Collaborative Components Properties - BEGIN ### ### ### ### Lotus QuickPlace Properties - BEGIN ### ### Description: Lotus Collaborative Components required properties ### to enable Lotus QuickPlace ### Is Lotus QuickPlace enabled in the environment? ### { true | false } LCC.QuickPlace.Enabled=false ### Lotus QuickPlace server name. ### { hostname | ip address } LCC.QuickPlace.Server=my.server.com ### Protocol used to connect to the Lotus QuickPlace server. ### { http | https } LCC.QuickPlace.Protocol=http ### Port number for the Lotus QuickPlace server. ### { port number } LCC.QuickPlace.Port=80 ### ### Lotus QuickPlace Properties - END ### ###################################################################### ###################################################################### ### ### Lotus Sametime Properties - BEGIN ### ### Description: Lotus Collaborative Components required properties ### to enable Lotus Sametime ### Is Lotus Sametime enabled in the environment? ### { true | false } LCC.Sametime.Enabled=false ### The Lotus Sametime server name. ### { hostname | ip address } LCC.Sametime.Server=my.server.com ### Protocol used to connect to the Lotus Sametime server. ### { http | https } LCC.Sametime.Protocol=http ### Port number for the Lotus Sametime server. ### { port number } LCC.Sametime.Port=80 ### ### Lotus Sametime Properties - END ### ###################################################################### ###################################################################### ### ### Lotus Discovery Server Properties - BEGIN ### ### Description: Lotus Collaborative Components required properties ### to enable Lotus Discovery Server ### Is Lotus Discovery Server enabled in the environment? ### { true | false } LCC.DiscoveryServer.Enabled=false ### Lotus Discovery Server name. ### { hostname | ip address } LCC.DiscoveryServer.Server=my.server.com ### Protocol used to connect to the Lotus Discovery Server. ### { http | https } LCC.DiscoveryServer.Protocol=http ### Port number for the Lotus Discovery Server. ### { port number } LCC.DiscoveryServer.Port=80 ### ### Lotus Discovery Server Properties - END ### ###################################################################### ###################################################################### ### ### Lotus Domino Directory Properties - BEGIN ### ### Description: Lotus Collaborative Components required properties ### to enable Lotus Domino Directory ### Is Lotus Domino Directory enabled in the environment? ### { true | false } LCC.DominoDirectory.Enabled=false ### The Lotus Domino Directory server name. ### { hostname | ip address } LCC.DominoDirectory.Server=my.server.com ### Port number for the Lotus Domino Directory server. ### { port number } LCC.DominoDirectory.Port=389 ### Is SSL used to connect to the Lotus Domino Directory Server? ### { true | false } LCC.DominoDirectory.SSL=false ### ### Lotus Domino Directory Properties - END ### ###################################################################### ### ### ### Lotus Collaborative Components Properties - END ### ### ###################################################################### ###################################################################### ### ### ### WebSphere Portal Security Configuration - BEGIN ### ### ### ### WebSphere Portal Security LTPA and SSO configuration ### ### Specifies the password to encrypt and decrypt the LTPA keys. LTPAPassword= ### Specifies the time period in minutes at which an LTPA token will expire. LTPATimeout=120 ### Specifies that Single Sign-On function is enabled ### only when requests are over HTTPS Secure Socket Layer (SSL) connections. SSORequiresSSL=false ### Specifies the domain name (.ibm.com, for example) for all Single Sign-on hosts. SSODomainName= ############################################################################### ### ### General Global Security Settings ### ### The values in this section should only be adapted by advanced users ### Specifies the user names to qualify with the security domain within which they reside. useDomainQualifiedUserNames=false ### Specifies the timeout value in seconds for security cache. cacheTimeout=600 ### Specifies that when the Issue permission warning is enabled, during application deployment ### and application start, the security run time emits a warning if applications are granted any custom permissions. issuePermissionWarning=true ### Specifies the active authentication protocol for RMI/IIOP requests when security is enabled. activeProtocol=BOTH ### Specifies the active authentication mechanism, when security is enabled. activeAuthMechanism=LTPA ################################################################# ### Custom User Registry Configuration - BEGIN ### ### Specifies a dot-separated class name that implements the com.ibm.websphere.security.UserRegistry ### interface (should be in the classpath). CUClassName=com.ibm.websphere.wmm.registry.WMMCustomRegistry ### ### Custom User Registry Configuration - END ### ###################################################################### ###################################################################### ### ### LDAP Properties Configuration - BEGIN ### ### To configure LDAP with an additional LookAside Database ### true - LDAP + Lookaside database ### false - only LDAP LookAside=false ### WmmDefaultRealm WmmDefaultRealm=portal ### LDAPHostName: The LDAP server hostname LDAPHostName=yourldapserver.com ### The LDAP server port number ### For example, 389 for non-SSL or 636 for SSL LDAPPort=389 ### The LDAP administrator ID LDAPAdminUId=cn=root ### LDAP administrator password LDAPAdminPwd= ### The type of LDAP server to be used for WebSphere Portal ### ### IBM Directory Server: { IBM_DIRECTORY_SERVER } ### Domino: { DOMINO502 } ### Active Directory: { ACTIVE_DIRECTORY } ### SunOne: { IPLANET } ### Novell eDirectory: { NDS } ### ### Use IPLANET for SunONE LDAPServerType=IBM_DIRECTORY_SERVER ### User ID for LDAP Bind authentication ### ### IBM Directory Server: { uid=wpsbind,cn=users,dc=yourco,dc=com } ### Domino: { cn=wpsbind,o=yourco.com } ### Active Directory: { cn=wpsbind,cn=users,dc=yourco,dc=com } ### SunOne: { uid=wpsbind,ou=people,o=yourco.com } ### Novell eDirectory { uid=wpsbind,ou=people,o=yourco.com } LDAPBindID=uid=wpsbind,cn=users,dc=yourco,dc=com ### Password for LDAP Bind authentication LDAPBindPassword= ### The user ID for WMM system identification ### ### WMMUR DB : <wmmsystemid> ### ### IBM Directory Server: { uid=<wmmsystemid>,cn=users,dc=yourco,dc=com } ### Domino: { cn=<wmmsystemid>,o=yourco.com } ### Active Directory: { cn=<wmmsystemid>,cn=users,dc=yourco,dc=com } ### SunOne: { uid=<wmmsystemid>,ou=people,o=yourco.com } ### Novell eDirectory { uid=<wmmsystemid>,ou=people,o=yourco.com } WmmSystemId= ### Password for WMM system identification WmmSystemIdPassword= ### ### LDAP Properties Configuration - END ### ###################################################################### ###################################################################### ### ### Advanced LDAP Configuration - BEGIN ### ### LDAP suffix appropriate for your LDAP server ### ### IBM Directory Server: { dc=yourco,dc=com } ### Domino value is null ### Domino: { } ### Active Directory: { dc=yourco,dc=com } ### SunOne: { o=yourco.com } ### Novell eDirectory { o=yourco.com } LDAPSuffix=dc=yourco,dc=com ### LDAP user prefix appropriate for your LDAP server ### ### IBM Directory Server: { uid } ### Domino: { cn } ### Active Directory: { cn ) ### SunOne: { uid } ### Novell eDirectory { uid } LdapUserPrefix=uid ### LDAP user suffix appropriate for your LDAP server ### ### IBM Directory Server: { cn=users } ### Domino: { o=yourco.com } ### Active Directory: { cn=users } ### SunOne: { ou=people} ### Novell eDirectory { ou=people } LDAPUserSuffix=cn=users ### LDAP group prefix appropriate for your LDAP server ### ### IBM Directory Server: { cn } ### Domino: { cn } ### Active Directory: { cn } ### SunOne: { cn } ### Novell eDirectory { cn } LdapGroupPrefix=cn ### LDAP group suffix appropriate for your LDAP server ### ### IBM Directory Server: { cn=groups } ### Domino value is null ### Domino: { } ### Active Directory: { cn=groups } ### SunOne: { ou=groups } ### Novell eDirectory { ou=groups } LDAPGroupSuffix=cn=groups ### LDAP user object class appropriate for your LDAP server ### ### IBM Directory Server: { inetOrgPerson } ### Domino: { inetOrgPerson } ### Active Directory: { user } ### SunOne: { inetOrgPerson } ### Novell eDirectory { inetOrgPerson } LDAPUserObjectClass=inetOrgPerson ### LDAP group object class appropriate for your LDAP server ### ### IBM Directory Server: { groupOfUniqueNames } ### Domino: { groupOfNames } ### Active Directory: { group } ### SunOne: { groupOfUniqueNames } ### Novell eDirectory { groupOfNames } ### Shared UserRegistry with WebSeal/TAM: { accessGroup } LDAPGroupObjectClass=groupOfUniqueNames ### LDAP group member attribute name appropriate for your LDAP server ### ### IBM Directory Server: { uniqueMember } ### Domino: { member } ### Active Directory: { member } ### SunOne: { uniqueMember } ### Novell eDirectory { uniqueMember } ### Shared UserRegistry with WebSeal/TAM: { member } LDAPGroupMember=uniqueMember ### LDAP user filter appropriate for your LDAP server (to work with default values in WMM) ### ### IBM Directory Server: { (&(uid=%v)(objectclass=inetOrgPerson)) } ### Domino: { (&(|(cn=%v)(uid=%v))(objectclass=inetOrgPerson)) } ### Active Directory: { (&(|(cn=%v)(samAccountName=%v))(objectclass=user)) } ### SunOne: { (&(uid=%v)(objectclass=inetOrgPerson)) } ### Novell eDirectory { (&(uid=%v)(objectclass=inetOrgPerson)) } LDAPUserFilter=(&(uid=%v)(objectclass=inetOrgPerson)) ### LDAP group filter appropriate for your LDAP server (to work with default values in WMM) ### ### IBM Directory Server: { (&(cn=%v)(objectclass=groupOfUniqueNames)) } ### Domino: { (&(cn=%v)(|(objectclass=groupOfNames)(objectclass=groupOfUniqueNames))) ### Active Directory: { (&(cn=%v)(objectclass=group)) } ### SunOne { (&(cn=%v)(objectclass=groupOfUniqueNames)) } ### Novell eDirectory { (&(cn=%v)(objectclass=groupOfUniqueNames)) } LDAPGroupFilter=(&(cn=%v)(objectclass=groupOfUniqueNames)) ### This attribute is loaded for group search (performance issues) LDAPGroupMinimumAttributes= ### These attributes are loaded for user login (performance issues) LDAPUserBaseAttributes=givenName,sn,preferredLanguage ### These attributes are loaded for user search (performance issues) LDAPUserMinimumAttributes= ### Specifies the timeout value in seconds for an LDAP server to respond before aborting a request. LDAPsearchTimeout=120 ### Should set to true by default to reuse the LDAP connection. ### { false | true } LDAPreuseConnection=true ### Specifies that a case insensitive authorization check is performed. ### { false | true } LDAPIgnoreCase=true ### Specifies whether secure socket communications is enabled to the LDAP server. ### { false | true } ### Set to true if configuring LDAP over SSL LDAPsslEnabled=false ### ### Advanced LDAP Configuration - END ### ###################################################################### ### ### LDAP Properties - END ### ###################################################################### ### ### ### WebSphere Portal Security Configuration - END ### ###################################################################### ###################################################################### ### ### WEBSPHERE TRANSLATION SERVER Properties - BEGIN ### ### Update Translation Server:port ### Replace value="localhost:1098" with actual WTS server host and port ### Multiple WTS servers should be specified by a comma separated list ### ex: hostname1:port1,hostname2:port2 ### NOTE: The entire list will be updated with the new value ### It will NOT be Appended to the existing values. WTSserverPortList=localhost:1098 ### ### WEBSPHERE TRANSLATION SERVER Properties - END ### ###################################################################### ### ### iSeries CCSID value ### ### If the CCSID on an iSeries is set to 65535, ### some configuration commands will not work ### correctly. Configuration run under a job with ### CCSID of 65535 will be changed by default ### to CCSID 37. The CCSIDvalue property can ### be used to change the default CCSID to something ### other than 37. This property is only used ### when the configuration job CCSID is 65535. ### ### CCSIDvalue=37 ### ### Advanced Security Configuration using External Security Managers ### ### ### ### Namespace management parameers common to TAM and SiteMinder ### ### ### (Optional) You can set different "contexts" to further distinguish externalized Portal ### role names from other role names in the TAM namespace. This context ### information will be added to the namespace entry created upon role externalization. ### If any of the 3 context values are null, none will be used. EACserverName=WebSphere_Portal EACcellName=vmwtest EACappName=wps ### Description: this field will allow you to either have your externalized Portal ### rolenames displayed with the resource type first, or the role types first. ### For example, if you make this variable "true", your TAM namespace or SiteMinder protected resource ### would look similair to ### /WPSv5/wps.CONTENT_NODE/Welcome_Page/10_2E@Aministrator/app/server/cell ### /WPSv5/wps.CONTENT_NODE/Welcome_Page/10_2E@Editor/app/server/cell ### /WPSv5/wps.CONTENT_NODE/Administration/15_AF@Aministrator/app/server/cell ### /WPSv5/wps.PORTLET_APPLICATION/Welcome_Portlet/09_2Q@Aministrator/app/server/cell ### /WPSv5/wps.PORTLET_APPLICATION/Welcome_Portlet/09_2Q@User/app/server/cell ### ### and if you make the variable "false", your TAM namespace or SiteMinder protected resource ### would look similair to: ### /WPSv5/Aministrator@wps.CONTENT_NODE/Welcome_Page/10_2E/app/server/cell ### /WPSv5/Administrator@wps.CONTENT_NODE/Administration/15_AF/app/server/cell ### /WPSv5/Administrator@wps.PORTLET_APPLICATION/Welcome_Portlet/09_2Q/app/server/cell ### /WPSv5/Editor@wps.CONTENT_NODE/Welcome_Page/10_2E/app/server/cell ### /WPSv5/User@wps.PORTLET_APPLICATION/Welcome_Portlet/09_2Q/app/server/cell reorderRoles=false ### ### ### TAM ### ### ### ### AMJRTE connection parameteres ### ### An administratitive user ID for TAM. This user should have the access to create new TAM servers, ## #new Tivoli protected objectspaces, and new Tivoli protected objects PDAdminId=sec_master ### The password for the administrative TAM user PDAdminPw=ReplaceWithYourTAMAdminPwd ### The location of the TAM AMJRTE properties file. This properties file is created by the TAM SvrSslCfg ### command and contains information such as: ### Policy Server hostname, ports ### version of AMJRTE ### path to encryption keys. PDPermPath=C:/WebSphere/AppServer/java/jre/PdPerm.properties ### ### SvrSslCfg command parameters ### ### Unique application name. This name will be used to create a new Tivoli server in the ### Access Manager Policy Server. This server will appears in the pdadmin server list ### after running the SvrSslCfg command. If a server with the same name appears in the ### server list command, the SvrSslCfg command will fail. PDServerName=amwps5 ### Configuration port for the application name. This paramter is currently ignored by the ### SvrSslCfg command SvrSslCfgPort=7223 ### Configuration mode of the SvrSslCfg command. Currently, the only valid value is remote SvrSslCfgMode=remote ### Defines the TAM Policy Server used when running PDJrteCfg TamHost=your.TAM.Policy.Server.hostname ### Defines a hostname, port, and priority combinations for your TAM Policy servers ### used when running SvrSslCfg. ### The format of this property is host:port:priority. For example, hosta.ibm.com:7135:1 ### or host1.ibm.com:7135:1, hostb.7135:2 PDPolicyServerList=your.TAM.Policy.Server.hostname:7135:1 ### Defines a hostname, port, and priority combination for your TAM authorization servers. ### The format of this property is host:port:priority. For example, hosta.ibm.com:7136:1 PDAuthzServerList=your.TAM.Authorization.Server.hostname:7136:1 ### Stores encryption keys used for the SSL communication between AMJRTE and Tivoli ### Access manager. This file is generated as a result of the SvrSslCfg command. PDKeyPath=C:/WebSphere/AppServer/java/jre/lib/security/pdperm.ks ############################################## ### ### WebSEAL junction parameters ### ### The type of junction to be created in TAM. Accepted values are tcp and ssl JunctionType=tcp ### The WebSEAL junction point to the WebSphere Portal instance JunctionPoint=/wpsv5 ### Which WebSEAL instance to create the junction. You can view the different WebSEAL ### instances by issuing a server list from the pdadmin> command line WebSealInstance=instance-webseald-yourhost.com ### The headers inserted by WebSEAL that the TAI uses to identify the request as originating from WebSEAL. ### ### Note #1: Inclusion of these headers is associated with the headers used by ### the WAS TAI to identify the request as one from WebSEAL. ### ### Note #2: If you are configuring Portal to use TAM as an external authorization engine, ### include at least the iv-user and iv-creds headers TAICreds=iv-user,iv-creds ### ### WAS WebSEAL TAI parameters ### ### Optional parameter that sets the WebSEAL TAI's hostnames parameter. You should include ### the hostname you provided when configuring the WebSEAL instance. Please consider ### the following: ### * this value is case-sensitive ### * this value may be a comma delimited list if more than one hostname is provided ### * the default behavior when configuring a WebSEAL instance is to use the network ### short name. For example, hosta.yourcompany.com may be represented as hosta ### when the WebSEAL instance is configured ### * if any additional proxies are included, their hostnames must be added as well ### Presence of a this parameters will cause the TAI to evaluate the VIA header and only ### handle those requests that contain one of the provided hostname, and port combinations WebSealHost= ### Optional parameter that sets the WebSEAL TAI's ports parameter. You should include ### the WebSEAL ports in this comma delimited list. The default WebSEAL port is 443 ### ### Presence of a this parameters will #cause the TAI to evaluate the VIA header and only ### handle those requests that contain one of the provided hostname, and port combinations WebSealPort= ### When you create a TCP junction, this is WebSEAL identity representing the reverse proxy ### on every request. WAS will use this identity to establish the ### "trust" that is required to validate the WebSEAL iv-* headers. The password for this user ### should be set in the WebSEAL instance's webseald.conf on the basicauth-dummy-passwd property. WebSealUser=wpsadmin ### When you create an SSL junction, this is the WebSEAL identity representing the reverse proxy ### on every request. WAS will use this identity to establish the "trust" ### that is required to validate the WebSEAL iv-* headers BaUserName=wpsadmin ### When you create an SSL junction, you can provide a password to the identity representing ### the reverse proxy on every request. WAS will use this identity to ### establish the "trust" that is required to validate the WebSEAL iv-* headers BaPassword=wpsadmin ########################################################## ### ### Portal authorization paramters ### ### Root objectspace entry in the TAM namespace. All Portal roles will be installed under this objectspace entry. PDRoot=/WPSv5 ### When the TAM external authorization plugin is started, it will detect and, if necessary, ### create a custom action in TAM. The combination of the action group and the action determines ### the TAM permission string required to assign membership to externalized Portal roles. PDAction=m ### When the TAM external authorization plugin is started, it will detect and, if necessary, ### create a custom action group in TAM. The combination of the action group and the action ### determines the TAM permission string required to assign membership to externalized Portal roles. PDActionGroup=[WPS5] ### When Portal externalizes a role, it can automatically create and attach a TAM ACL granting membership ### to the user doing the role. If you select No,the TAM administrator will be responsible for creating TAM ### ACLs to allow access to Portal roles PDCreateAcl=true ### ### Portal vault paramters ### #New vault type identifier representing the Tivoli GSO lockbox vault. The value can be any string vaultType=AccessManager ### Defines a properties file to be used to configure the vault with TAM specific user and SSL connection ### information. This file will automatically be created in the <WP_ROOT>/shared/app/config subdirectory ### and populated by the ant task based on previous task execution. vaultProperties=accessmanagervault.properties ### Determines if the portal credential vault or any custom portlet is allowed to create new ### resource objects in TAM. If you select false, your Tivoli administrator must define the accessible \ ### resources to associate users with using the Tivoli command line or GUI manageResources=true ### Determines if the portal credential vault or any custom portlet is allowed to modify the ### secrets stored in TAM. If you select "Read Only", the Tivoli administrator must change ### the credentials associated with resources using the Tivoli command line or GUI. readOnly=false ### ### TAM - End ### ### ### ### Netegrity SiteMinder ### ### ### ### SiteMinder TAI parameters ### ### Location of the SiteMinder TAI WebAgent.conf file SMConfigFile=e:/netegrity6/smwastai/conf/WebAgent.conf ### ### Portal/SiteMinder authorization paramteres ### ### SiteMinder Domain containing all externalized portal resources SMDomain=WebSphere Portal v5 ### SiteMinder Authentication scheme object name to use when creating realms SMScheme=Basic ### The SiteMinder custom or 4.x web agent created to allow communication between ### WebSphere Portal and SiteMinder SMAgent=ReplaceWithYourSiteMinderAgentName ### Password for SiteMinder agent SMAgentPw=ReplaceWithYourSiteMinderAgentPwd ### SiteMinder administrator. This administrator must have a scope of System, as new ### SiteMinder domains and realms will be created. In addition, creation of the realms ### representing Portal roles, reference to the webagent, which also requires System scope SMAdminId=siteminder ### Password for SiteMinder administrative user SMAdminPw=ReplaceWithYourSiteMinderAdminPwd ### SiteMinder User Directory object referencing the LDAP server used for Portal users and groups SMUserDir=ReplaceWithYourSiteMinderUserDirectoryObject ### Failover mode of Siteminder Policy Server. SMFailover must be set to true if more ### than 1 policy server is listed in the SMServers property below SMFailover=false ### Comma delimited list of server for SiteMinder agent ### Important: If your Policy Servers are listening on non default ports (ie. not 44441,44442,44443), ### add the port property for each policy server manually in the ExternalAccessControlService.properties SMServers=your.Policy.Server.ipaddress ### ### Netegrity SiteMinder - End ### ############################################## ### ### Advanced Security Configuration - End ### ############################################## ############################################## ### ### Virtual Portal Configuration - Begin ### ### Title of the Virtual Portal VirtualPortalTitle= ### Realm of the Virtual Portal VirtualPortalRealm= ### Context of the Virtual Portal VirtualPortalContext= ### File which contains language specific information for the Virtual Portal VirtualPortalNlsFile= ### ObjectId of the Virtual Portal ### The ObjectId is needed to modify, delete Virtual Portals and ### can be obtained by running task list-all-virtual-portals VirtualPortalObjectId= ### ### Virtual Portal Configuration - End ############################################################# LikemindsSourceDbUser=wcmdbadmWorkplace Web Content Management is a trademark of the IBM Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.
WebSphere is a trademark of the IBM Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.
IBM is a trademark of the IBM Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.
Tivoli is a trademark of the IBM Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.