Verify a database user registry configuration


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  1. Open a Web browser and enter the portal page URL:

    ...where is the fully qualified host name of the machine where WebSphere Portal is running and port_number is the transport port that is created by WebSphere Application Server. For example...

  2. The portal should load in the browser.

    If you get an Internal Server Error, WebSphere Application Server might not have completely started yet. Wait a couple of minutes to ensure that WebSphere Application Server has completely started and try to access the portal page again.

  3. Verify that you are still able to log in as the portal administrator now that security is enabled. Click Log in and then enter the administrative user ID and password. Click Log in again.


Related Information

  1. Database user registry overview
  2. Plan
  3. Configure a database user registry
  4. Troubleshooting


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